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Harmsworth 1909 Gazetteer

A partial listing of localities in European Russia, Armenia, Central Asia and Siberia
Places starting with letters D through H

Gazetteer donated by Granville Cunningham of Matlock, Derbyshire, United Kingdom

Source Information

The Harmsworth Atlas and Gazetteer contains 500 Maps and diagrams in colour [with commercial statistics and 190 inset maps] and a 284 page gazetteer index of 105,000 place names. The publisher was Carmelite House, Carmalite Street, London E. C. No publishing date is listed. However, based on the published 1907 commercial statistics contained, it is presumed to have been published circa 1908-1909.

This is a very important map and gazetteer reference source. The text and language is in English. The apparent publishing year (circa 1908-1909) is just prior to the start of World War I - one of the last atlas / gazetteers to be published just prior to World War I (1914-1915). Thus it presents the maximum geographic scope of the three great European empires (Austria / Hungary, Germany and Russia) just prior to their dissolution at the end of World War I (1918-1919).

This file represents a partial index to names on about 12 pages of Harmsworth Gazetteer maps. The original gazetteer was not specific as to the exact page where a locality was located - it merely mentioned each map (printed on two pages) and the coodinates on the map.

The index

Dabusun Tuz ... 109-110 L2
Dades (Point) ... 105-106 E4
Dager Ort ... 97-98 B1
Daghestan ... 97-98 G4
Dagö (Dagoe / Dago) (Island) ... 97-98 B1
Daisen ... 129-130 E7
Daishoji ... 129-130 G6
Daito ... 129-130 B12
Dakhli ... 109-110 E5
Dalachao ... 129-130 B2
Dalai-nor (Manchuria, Lake) ... 131-132 O7
Delidjan ... 105-106 K1
Deliktash ... 205-206 C3
Delyssy ... 97-98 C1
Denitzisch ... 97-98 F4
Daourikan ... 105-106 D1
Dgeorgiaik ... 109-110 J3
Dariel (Pass) ... 97-98 F4
Darja ... 109-110 C6
Darwaz ... 109-110 M6
Daukara (Lake) ... 109-110 G4
De Long (Islands) ... 131-132 W1
Debesi ... 97-98 H1
Dediuchiu ... 97-98 J1
Dedinovo ... 97-98 E1
Demchok ... 109-110 Q9
Demino ... 97-98 F1
Demirdjikeuf ... 105-106 B2
Demshovka ... 97-98 G1
Deneli ... 109-110 D5
Dengiz ... 131-132 E6
Denisor ... 97-98 F3
Denizlu ... 105-106 B3
Derbend ... 97-98 G4
Derbent ... 109-110 K6
Derbetovskole ... 97-98 F3
Dervnaia ... 97-98 C2
Dernovichi ... 97-98 C2
Dersim ... 105-106 G2
Dhahabanieh ... 105-106 G3
Dhalub ... 105-106 J3
Dhiban Jebel (Jetel ?) (Mountains) ... 105-106 J5
Daikonovo ... 97-98 E2
Diakova ... 97-98 D1
Diarbekr ... 105-106 G3, H3 (2 locations in Turkey)
Didscha ... 105-106 H2
Diklidche ... 105-106 E2
Dimetoka ... 105-106 A1
Dirin ... 109-110 D5
Dirmil ... 105-106 B3, H1 (2 locations in Turkey)
Disna ... 97-98 C1
Ditschor ... 105-106 J1
Diurt Kuduk ... 109-110 K4
Divichi ... 109-110 A5
Divrigi ... 105-106 F2
Diyadin ... 105-106 J2
Djumathi ... 105-106 J1
Digwir ... 105-106 J1
Dmitriev ... 97-98 E2
Dmitrov ... 97-98 E1
Dmitrovsk ... 97-98 E2
Dnieper (River) ... 97-98 D3
Doblen ... 97-98 B1
Dobrianka ... 97-98 D3
Dobriansk ... 97-98 J1
Doibrich ... 105-106 F3
Dokshitche ... 97-98 C2
Dolga (Point) ... 97-98 E3
Dolginov ... 97-98 C2
Dolgoi ... 97-98 E2
Dolgovk ... 97-98 D1
Dolmatov ... 97-98 K1
Doloman ... 105-106 B3
Dombrovzia ... 97-98 C2
Dome Ness (Promotory) ... 97-98 B1
Don (River) ... 97-98 F3
Donetz (River) ... 97-98 F3
Donguz Tau ... 109-100 O5
Dor (River) ... 109-110 K10
Dora (Pass) ... 109-110 M7
Doris (Gulf of) ... 105-106 A3
Dorogobush ... 97-98 D2
Dorok ... 105-106 E3
Dorpat (see Jurjev) ... 87-98 C1
Douglas (Inlet) ... 129-130 C7
Dratshevo ... 97-98 F1
Drissa ... 97-98 C1
Druja ... 97-98 C1
Drum (Lake) ... 109-110 N7
Dsalka ... 105-106 J1
Dubinsk ... 129-130 E3
Duboviki ... 97-98 C1
Dubovka ... 97-98 G3
Dubrova ... 97-98 C2, H1, C1 (3 Russian locations with same name)
Dubrovna ... 97-98 D2
Dubrovsk ... 97-98 H1
Duditchi ... 97-98 C2
Dui ... 131-132 T6
Dukhovstchina ... 97-98 D1
Dumanlyhissar ... 105-106 B2
Düna (Duena / Duna) (River) ... 97-98 B1
Dünaburg (Duenaburg / Dunaburg) (see Dvinsk) ... 97-98 C1
Dunat ... 131-132 P7
Duri ... 105-106 J3
Duscheti ... 105-106 J1
Duwar ... 105-106 B3
Duvli (Pass) 109-110 R3
Dvina (River (see Dwina River) ... 95-96 F2
Dwadjik ... 105-106 D3
Dwina (Northern Dwina River) ... 95-96 F2
Dwina (River) ... 97-98 D1
Dyular ... 105-106 B3
East Cape (Cape Dezhnev) ... 9-10 C36
Eber Gol (Lake) ... 105-106 C2
Ebi Nor (China, Lake) ... 131-132 G7
Echigo ... 129-130 H6
Echizen ... 129-130 G7
Ed Deir ... 105-106 H4
Edchianzev ... 131-132 O3
Edlip ... 105-106 F4
Egin ...105-106 G2
Egidir ... 105-106 C3
Egidir Gol (Lake) ... 105-106 C3
Egorof (Cape) ... 129-130 G2
Eisk ... 97-98 E2
Ekarma (Island) ... 131-132 V7
Ekaterina (Katerina - harbour) ... 95-96 D1
Ekaterinburg (Yekaterinenstadt) ... 97-98 G2
Ekaterininskala (Yekaterininskala) ... 97-98 F3
Ekaterinodar (Yekaterinodar) ... 97-98 E3
Ekaterinograd (Yekaterinograd) ... 97-98 F4
Ekaterinoslav (Yekaterinoslav) ... E3, D3 (Russia, 2 with same name)
Ekenæs (Ekenaes) ... 97-98 B1
Ekrek ... 105-106 F2
El Hadir ... 105-106 J3
El Khor Kasmije ... 105-106 K5
El Mahleihiye ... 105-106 G3
El Meshad ... 105-106 J5
Elabuga ... 97-98 H1
Eilosuluk ... 105-106 E3
Elizabetgrad (Yelizavetgrad) ... 97-98 D3
Elizabetpol (Yelizavetpol) ... 95-96 G6
Elizavetsk ... 97-98 K1
Elken Dagh ... 105-106 B1
Emanjelinsk ... 97-98 K2
Emba (River) ... 109-110 E2
Embach (River) ... 97-98 C1
Emir Dagh ... 105-106 C2
Episkopl ... 105-106 D4
Episkopl (Bay) ... 105-106 D4
Erbil ... 105-106 J3
Erchanboro ... 97-98 G3
Erdeni ... 131-132 O7
Ergeli ... 105-106 C1
Erek ... 105-106 G4
Ergub ... 105-106 J3
Erhtau Ho (Manchuria, River)... 129-130 C3
Erjenz ... 105-106 B2
Erilgatch ... 97-98 D3
Erivan ... 105-106 K1
Erichan ... 129-130 B3
Ermanlu ... 105-106 F1
Ermenek ... 105-106 D3
Ernuz ... 105-106 H3
Erzerum (also called Erzrum) ... 105-106 H2
Erzerum ... 105-106 H1
Erzingan ... 105-106 G1
Erzrum (see Erzerum) ... 105-106 H2
Esan ... 129-130 J4
Esamasaki ... 129-130 J8
Esashi ... 129-130 H4, k2 (Japan - 2 with same name)
Esbo ... 97-98 B1
Eskai Adalia ... 105-106 C3
Eski-shehr ... 105-106 C2
Eslaja ... 105-106 J3
Esskeneisk ... 109-110 M1
Esthonia (Estonia) ... 97-98 B1
Etchmiadzin ... 105-106 K1
Etchu ... 129-130 G6
Eulbek ... 105-106 D2
Eupatoria ... 97-98 D3
Euphrates (River) ... 105-106 H4
Euxine (old name for Black Sea) ... 97-98 D6
Fadievskoi (Island) ... 131-132 R1
Falzabad (Russia) ... 109-110 M7
Falzabad (China) ... 109-110 P6
Fakos ... 105-106 D1
Falkos ... 105-106 G1
Famagusta ... 105-106 E4
Farasha ... 105-106 E3
Fars ... 109-110 C10
Fetezh ... 97-98 E2
Fedora Tirona ... 97-98 F1
Fedorovskoi ... 97-98 E4
Felixberg ... 97-98 B1
Fellin ... 97-98 C1
Fenghwa ... 129-130 A3
Fenghwangeheng ... 129-130 A4
Fennern ... 97-98 B1
Ferghana ... 109-110 M5
Feriske ... 105-106 D3
Filimonovskaia ... 97-98 E1
Filnovskaia ... 97-98 F2
Filipov ... 97-98 F3
Finland (Gulf of) ... 97-98 C1
Firuskuh ... 109-110 H8
Fominskaia ... 97-98 F1
Formosa (Taiwan) ... 129-130 A13
Formosa (Strait) ... 129-130 A13
Fort Argunsk ... 131-132 O6
Fort Blagoveschchensk ... 109-110 H4
Fort Gagri ... 97-98 E4
Fort Gelenjik ... 97-98 E4
Fort Golovinsku ... 97-98 E4
Fort Kabardinsk ... 97-98 E4
Fort Lazarev ... 97-98 E4
Fort Novorosusk ... 97-98 E4
Fort Pitsunda ... 97-98 E4
Fort Tenginskoi ... 97-98 E4
Fort Veliaminovokoi ... 97-98 E4
Fredrikshamn ... 97-98 C1
Frolovskoi ... 97-98 G1, E1 (2 with the same name)
Fujieda... 129-130 H7
Fujikawa ... 129-130 H7
Fujiyawa ... 129-130 H7
Fukai (Japan, Island) ... 129-130 C8
Kukikaku (Point) ... 129-130 B12
Fuko ... 127-128 E3
Fukuchiyama ... 129-130 F7
Fukui ... 129-130 G6
Fukuoka ... 129-130 D8
Fukushima ... 129-130 J6
Fukuyama ... 129-130 H4, E7 (Japan - 2 with the same name)
Fungchon ... 129-130 A5
Funyan (Penninsula) ... 129-130 B7
Fuorin ... 131-132 N7
Furden ... 131-132R8
Furebestu ... 129-130 J2
Furmal ... 109-110 L9
Furughelm (Island) ... 129-130 D3
Furukawa ... 129-130 G6
Furupirayama ... 129-130 H3
Fusan ... 129-130 C7
Fushiki ... 129-130 G6
Gadiatz ... 97-98 D2
Galatoea ... 105-106 E4
Galitha ... 105-106 J3
Gamlakarleby ... 97-98 B2
Gamof (Cape) ... 129-130 D3
Ganges (River) ... 109-110 P11
Gaobar ... 109-110 J8
Gaolin ... 129-130 C2
Garang Chu (River) ... 109-110 Q9
Gargethol ... 109-110 S9
Garm .. 109-110 M6
Garm Khoton ... 131-132 Q8
Gartiskalsk ... 109-110 K1
Gartok (Gartokh) ... 109-110 R10
Garwolin ... 97-98 B2
Gashkevich ... 129-130 D3
Gashun ... 131-132 G8, A2 (2 with the same name)
Gatchina ... 97-98 C1
Gazni ... 109-110 K9
Gebise ... 105-106 B1
Gedez-Chai (River) ... 105-106 A2
Gedi ... 105-106 B2
Gemerik ... 105-106 F2
Genkai Nada ... 129-130 vD8
Georgia ... 105-106 K1
Georgiovskoi ... 105-106 H1
Gerenis Chai ... 105-106 B3
Germeili ... 105-106 G1
Germeili Chai ... 105-106 F1
Geshik Hashi (China, Mountains) ... 109-110 S4
Gelzi Ata ... 109-110 D5
Ghab el Huleh ... 105-106 F4
Ghal-chilik ... 109-110 R6
Ghaza ... 109-110 M7
Gheyikli ... 98-90 N1
Ghilzai ... 108-109 L9
Ghorband (Valley) ... 109-110 L8
Ghori ... 109-108 L7
Ghorsoum ... 105-106 B3
Ghubolik ... 109-110 R8
Giaur ... 109-110 D6
Gimorieckoi ... 97-98 D1
Gindj ... 105-106 H2
Giran ... 129-130 B12
Girmeh ... 105-106 C3
Gizao ... 109-110 K9
Glazov ... 97-98 H1
Glinoie ... 97-98 C3
Glinsk ... 97-98 D2
Glotovo ... 97-98 E2
Glubokoi ... 97-98 C1
Gluchoreva ... 97-98 E1
Gluckhov ... 97-98 D2
Glusk ... 97-98 C2
Gobek ... 105-106 B2
Gogawa (Japan, River) ... 129-130 E7
Gogsun ... 105-106 J2
Gojin ... 109-110 K9
Gojo ... 129-130 F7
Goklan Kuyu ... 109-110 E5
Golenki ... 129-130 D3
Golhissar ... 105-106 C3
Goloskovo ... 97-98 D3
Golovinkoi ... 97-98 F1
Golyzino ... 97-98 F2
Gomul (River) ... 109-110 L9
Gong Nong Masjid ... 109-110 R6
Goiondz... 97-98 B2
Gora ... 97-98 D1 - Russia
Gora ... 97-98 B2 - Poland Russia
Gorbatov ... 97-98 F1
Gori ... 97-98 F4
Goriashinsk ... 97-98 H2
Gorki ... 97-98 D2, D1 (2 with the same name)
Gorkorietchinsk ... 97-98 G4
Gornostaipol ... 97-98 C2
Gorochovetz ... 97-98 F1
Gorodets ... 97-98 B2
Gorodistch ... 97-98 G2
Gorodetz ... 97-98 C1
Gorodezkoi ... 97-98 G1
Gorodisycha ... 97-98 E1
Gorodnia ... 97-98 D1, D2 (2 with the same name)
Gorodno ... 97-98 D1
Gordok ... 97-98 C2
Gorodok ... 97-98 C1
Gorodok Sakmarsk ... 97-98 H2
Goto (Island) ... 129-130 C8
Gowa ... 105-106 J2
Gozene ... 105-106 G2
Grabovo ... 97-98 C2
Gradisk ... 97-98 D3
Graivoron ... 97-98 E2
Great Ararat (Mountain) ... 105-106 K2
Great Balkan (Mountain) ... 105-106 D6
Great Zab (River) ... 105-106 T3
Grego (Cape) ... 105-106 E4
Griazi ... 97-98 F2
Griazovetz ... 97-98 F1
Grigorievka ... 97-98 D3
Grigorievskia ... 97-98 F3
Grigoriopol ... 97-98 C3
Grigoriopolskoi ... 97-98 F3
Grivenole ... 97-98 E3
Grobin ... 97-98 B1
Grodekova ... 129-130 D2
Grodno ... 97-98 B2
Grojec ... 97-98 B2
Grodsi ... 97-98 B1
Gross Talba ... 97-98 G1
Gross Wyra ... 97-98 D1
Grossvicha (Bay) ... 129-130 H1
Grubeschow (see Grubieszow) ... 97-98 B2
Grushino ... 97-98 D1
Grysovo ... 97-98 C1
Gshatsk ... 97-98 D1
Gueik Dagh ... 105-106 D3
Guge ... 109-110 Q9
Gugunak ... 09-110 E5
Guiavar ... 105-106 K3
Gul Koh (Afghanistan Mountain) ... 109-110 K9
Gulcha ... 109-110 N5
Guliaievka ... 97-98 F3
Guilstan ... 109-110 K10
Gulumia ... 105-106 D3
Guma ... 105-106 Q7
Gumeshevok ... 97-98 J1
Gumish Khaneh ... 105-106 G1
Gunei ... 105-106 C1
Guneh ... 105-106 B2
Gurdjistan ... 105-106 H1
Guriev ... 109-110 B2
Gurumnor ... 131-132 N7
Gutmannsbach ... 97-98 C1
Guzar ... 109-110 J6
Guzel-hissar ... 105-106 A3
Guzevo ... 97-98 E1
Gyda (Bay) ... 131-132 F2
Hachijo (island) ... 129-130 H8
Hachinohe ... 129-130 J-4
Hadanhatala Alin (mountains) ...129-130 E1
Hagi ... 129-130 D7
Hagui ... 129-130 G6
Haldar Pasha ... 105-106 B2
Halderauly ... 105-106 J2
Haiju ... 129-130 B5
Haik ... 105-106 J2
Haikö (Haikoe / Haiko) town ... 129-130 C3
Haikö (Haikoe / Haiko) (river) ... 129-130 C3
Hailungeheng ... 129-130 A2
Hainu ... 105-106 H3
Haitahotse ... 129-130 B3
Hajatu ... 131-132 P7
Haji Bektash ... 105-106 E2
Haji Kuynsi ...109-110 E5
Hakkiari ...105-106 J3
Hakodate ...129-130 J4
Hakone (Lake) ... 129-130 H7
Hakusan (mountain) ... 129-130 G6
Halatagh ... 109-110 K9
Haleb ... 105-106 F3
Halebi ... 105-106 G4
Haijal ... 97-98 C1
Hamada ... 129-1130 D7
Hamah ... 105-106 F4
Hamajima ... 129-130 G7
Hamamatsu ... 129-130 G7
Hamana - inlet ... 129-130 G7
Hamanka ... 129-130 L3
Hamheung ... 129-130 B5
Hamman ... 105-106 F4
Hammamly ... 105-106 K1
Hamyang ... 129-130 B7
Han (river) ... 129-130 B6
Hanamaki ... 129-130 J5
Harbin ... 129-130 B2
Hadwar ... 109-110 Q11
Harima Nada ... 129-130 F7
Harjel ... 97-98 C1
Harran ... 105-106 B3
Haruna ... 129-130 H6
Haruno ... 129-130 H6
Hasha ... 109-110 R7
Hassan Badrik ... 105-106 G2
Hassan Kaleh ... 105-106 H2
Hastugai ... 97-98 E2
Hasuh ... 105-106 H2
Hatong ... 129-130 By
Hawach ... 105-106 F4
Hayachinesan ... 129-130 J5
Hazara ... 1109-110 K8
Hazret Imam ... 109-110 L7
Hazreti Sultan ... 109-110 K6
Hazru ... 105-106 H3
Heibak ... 109-110 K7
Helsingfors ... 97-98 C1
Helungkiang ... 131-132 P6
Hemela ... 95-96 C2
Hemsehin ... 105-106 H1
Henrietta (island) ... 131-132 W1
Herir ... 105-106 K3
Hersu ... 129-130 A3
Heunghai ... 129-130 C6
Hezarasp ... 109-110 G5
Hida ... 129-130 G6
Hiadaka Mountaains ... 129-130 K3
Hiadaka ... 129-130 K3
Higashifushimi (bay) ... 129-130 K1
Higo ... 129-130 D8
Hiji ... 129-130 D8
Hikone ... 129-130 G7
Hikosan ... 129-130 D8
Hildlbal ... 109-110 E6
Hindu Kush (mountains) ... 109-110 L8
Hirado (island) ... 129-130 C8
Hirosaki ... 129-130 J4
Hiroshima ... 129-130 E7
Hisaka (island) ... 129-130 C8
Hish Duvan ... 109-110 J5
Hissar ... 109-110 L6
Hissaar (mountains) ... 109-110 K6
Hit ... 109-110 J5
Hitachi ... 129-130 J6
Hitoyshi ... 129-130 D8
Hogland (island) ... 97-98 C1
Hokkaido (island) ... 129-130 K3
Hokkaido ... 129-130 K3
Hokoto (islands) ... 129-130 A13
Holaya (mountain) ... 129-130 G1
Homs ... 105-106 F4
Honas ... 105-106 B3
Hondo ... 129-130 E7
Hongju ... 129-130 B6
Hongsan ... 129-130 B6
Hongu ... 129-130 F8
Honjo ... 129-130 H5
Horiöng (Horioeng / Horiong) ... 129-130 C3
Horpa Cho (lake) ... 109-110 R8
Horuschev ... 97-98 D2
Hosinskoi ... 97-98 J1
Hsintien ... 129-130 A2
Humia ... 109-110 R11 Hums (lake of) ... 105-106 F4
Hun-chun ... 131-132 R8
Hungry Steppe ... 109-110 L3
Huzen ... 129-130 D8
Hwichaku ... 129-130 A4
Hwichöng (Hwichoeng / Hwichong) ... 129-130 A4
Hwangju ... 129-130 A5
Hwayang ... 129-130 B5
Hydrographer Group (islands) ... 129-130 A7
Hyuga ... 129-130 D8