Croatian Research at the Family History Library
By Thomas K. Edlund
The officers of FEEFHS, in their ongoing effort to encourage and assist genealogical research in Eastern Europe, have asked me to summarize the resources available from the Family History Library (FHL) which relate to the former Austrian kingdoms of Croatia and Slavonia, with marginal reference made to Slovenia.
A Guide to Croatian Genealogy
By Adam S. Eterovich
© copyright 1996, 1997 by Adam S. Eterovich and FEEFHS; all rights reserved
Postal Address
2527 San Carlos Avenue'
San Carlos, California 94070
Telephone: (415) 592-1190
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Bunjevci - Bunjeowatzen
Ethnic Croats in the northern Backa region
of the Hungarian-Yugoslav border
Excerpted, translated and edited from Enciklopedija Jugoslavije, 2nd ed., Zagreb, 1982, by Gordon McDaniel.
© copyright 1997 by Gordon mcDaniel, all rights reserved
Glagolitic Records - Background
By Gordon McDaniel
© copyright 1996 by Gordon McDaniel; all rights reserved
With the LDS microfilming underway in Croatia, there is now a good-sized collection of material written in the Glagolitic alphabet which will definitely present problems for researchers. In case you're not up on it, Glagolitic was the alphabet that Cyril and Methodius actually invented (they *didn't* invent Cyrillic).
Croatia Resources

Basic Information
Capital city: Zagreb
Population: 4.4 million