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SGS Newsletter Contents

The Slovenian Genealogy Society has published a one-page quarterly newsletter since 1987. The following table of contents to this newsletter is meant to be cursory in nature with only major topics highlighted.

Photocopies of past newsletters are available from:

Slovenian Genealogy Society
52 Old Farm Road
Camp Hill, Pennsylvania 17011-2604

Vol. 20, Issue 2..........April 2006
From the President
Part 2 - Two Weeks of Student Travel by Beth Bevc
SGSI Member Queries  
-Query: M. Buza
-Query: R. Pozeznik
-Query: R. Rome
-Query: F. Pouche
SGSI Member Story - “Na Vizita” by Silvia Žele
 “Deutshes Reich Arbeitsbuch” by Ron Pozin
News Release– Gourmand Winner

Vol. 20, Issue 1..........January 2006
From the President  
SGSI Member Queries  
Book Review Series by Ron Pozin- The Golden Bird-Folk Tales from Slovenia.
Member Stories:
-The Hrovatin Family;
-The John Grill Family
Destination Slovenia-Target: Heraldry by David M. Cvet

Vol. 19, Issue 4..........October 2005
From the President 
Slovene Language Series, by Sedaj Tesch (Lesson 13)
SWUA Information 
My Slovenian Family Reunion, by Beth Bevc
My Search for Jereb Relatives, by Silvia Žele
Member Stories 
Member Bits and Pieces 
Portraits of Pride, by Dr. Edward Gobetz

Vol. 19, Issue 3..........July 2005
From the President’s Chair 
Slovene Language Series, by Sedaj Tesch (Lesson 12)
Molecular Genealogy 
Slovenian Times News 
Search for Jereb Relatives, by Silvia Žele
Member Stories 
Member Personal Requests 
Slovenian Heraldry 

Vol. 19, Issue 2..........April 2005
From the President’s Chair 
Slovene Language Series, by Sedaj Tesch (Grammar) 
Publication News Release, by Kate Pruente Baum
Search for Jereb Relatives, by Silvia Žele
Slovene Research - Australia 
Genealogy Research Survey 
Member Personal Requests

Vol. 19, Issue 1..........January 2005
From the President’s Chair 
SGSI Member Biography- Kimberly Kresh
Ohio Chapter News  
Slovenian 101:by Sedaj L. Tesch  (Lesson 11)
Sharing My Story, by Patricia Weaver
Medical School Scholarships, by John Leskovec
Travels to Slovenia, by Elaine Kaiser

Vol. 18, Issue 4..........October 2004
From the President’s Chair  
Member Family Research  
SGSI Member Biography 
Slovenian 101: by Sedaj L. Tesch (Lesson 10)

Vol. 18, Issue 3..........July 2004
From the President’s Chair
Slovenian 101: by Sedaj L. Tesch (Lesson 9)
Members Tips and Treasures
Calendar of Slovenian Festivals and Picnics

Vol. 18, Issue 2..........April 04
From the President’s Chair
Slovenian 101:by Sedaj L. Tesch (Lesson 8)
Family History Search, by Peter Hawlina
Slovenian-American Ethnic Spirit, by Richard A. Terselic
Membership News, by Mike Furlan
Record Preservation Fund, by John Leskovec

Vol. 18, Issue 1..........January 2004
From the President's Chair
Slovenian 101: by Sedaj L. Tesch (Lesson 7)
DNA Project, by Al Peterlin
Another Family Link, by Virginia Pinkava
Book/Video Reviews, by Mary Lou Voelk
Embracing the Family, by Igor Groselj

Vol. 17, Issue 4..........October 2003
From the President's Chair
Slovene 101: by Sedaj L. Tesch, (Lesson 6)

Vol. 17, Issue 3..........July 2003
From the President's Chair
Slovene 101: by Sedaj L. Tesch, (Lesson 5)
Web Talk: by George J. Plautz Jr.
Query: F Dolsak

Vol. 17, Issue 2..........April 2003
From the President's Chair
Slovene 101: by Sedaj L. Tesch, (Lesson 4)
Potica, Zelodec, Klobase and More.
Web Notes: by George J. Plautz Jr.
Frustration Poem
Slovenian Women's Union
Bits and Pieces
Students to Ljubljana Program
Kentucky Grandmother's Clothes Washing Instructions

Vol. 17, Issue 1..........January 2003
From the President's Chair
Slovene 101: by Sedaj L. Tesch, (Lesson 3)
Membership Reminders
Records Preservation Fund
Web Notes: by George J. Plautz Jr.
What is a Genealogist? Submitted by Carolyn Gasperi

Vol. 16, Issue 4..........October 2002
From the President's Chair
Building a Family Legacy
Indianapolis Visits Piran, by Josef Laposa and William Petrovic
Kako si?- T-shirts
Slovene 101: by Sedaj L. Tesch, (Lesson 2)

Vol. 16, Issue 3..........July 2002
From the President's Chair
SANAG Presents Check to SGSI Fund
Vertin Family Histories: by George Plautz
St. Mary's Cemetery on Genesee in Waukegan, IL, by Mary Ann Urban
Matching Grant Donation
Gypsy Documentary Film Research
Webmaster Notes: by George J. Plautz Jr.
Slovene 101: by Sedaj L. Tesch

Vol. 16, Issue 2..........April 2002
From the President's Chair
A Journey to Slovenia : Written by Dorothy Jerneycic
A Slovenian Story of Early Life in Ely, MN 
Vertin Family Histories: by George Plautz
Bela Krajina Village Association
Webmaster Notes: by George J. Plautz Jr.

Vol. 16, Issue 1..........January 2002
From the President's Chair
A Loving Tribute, by Sophia (Trix) Stalzer-Wyant 
Membership News
Records Preservation fund
Soccer Tournament for Slovenian Emigres
The Marketplace
Letters to the Webmaster

Vol. 15, Issue 4..........October 2001
Our President ...Al Peterlin
A Note From the Webmaster, by George J. Plautz Jr.
Membership Coordinator
One Slovenian Table, by Jerri Schwartz
All Slav Days at Ironworld
Bela Krajina Fund Raising

Vol. 15, Issue 3..........July 2001
Research at the Archives
Bulletin Boards, Research Lists, and Message Boards by George J. Plautz Jr.
Membership News By: John Leskovec
SGSI Wisconsin Chapter Cemetery Project
News of Bridging Our Worlds
Lesson in Zagreb by Jerri Schwartz
All Slav Days at Ironworld

Vol. 15, Issue 2..........April 2001
Editors remarks: Bridging Our Worlds
Membership News: We are now Tax-Deductible, by John Leskovec
Slovenian Archives and Sources, by Kahile Mehr
A Review of Slovenian Text Books Published in Australia, by Helen Oppelli
Odds and Ends by Al Peterlin
Slovenian Exhibition – Immigration Museum Melbourne Australia
An Online Byte by the Webmaster
Query: J Slogar

Vol. 15, Issue 1..........January 2001
Convention in Ljubljana
SGSI Signs Contract with Collectivegood, Inc.
Membership News by John Leskovec
Fitniki Records or Status Animarum? by Branka Lapajne, PH.D.
Webmaster's Report
My Trip to Slovenia: An Introduction, by Virginia (Marinko) Pinkava
Query: J Slogar

Vol. 14, Issue 4..........October 2000
A Message from the President--Al Peterlin 
Sgs Library: Book Preservation Project-- Lori Hedditch 
Webmaster's Report--George Plautz 
So You Want to Learn Slovenian!--John Leskovec 
Slovenia Forum--John Leskovec 
Greetings From the Capital of the United States--John Lipold 
2001 Conference-Ljubljana, Slovenia--Ed Repic

Vol. 14, Issue 3..........July 2000
From the President's Desk
Notes From the Web
Some Notes from My Trip to Slovenia, by George J. Plautz Jr.

Vol. 14, Issue 2..........April 2000
Editor's remarks
Upcoming Events
Special Project Coordinator
Everyname Index
An Online Byte, by George J. Plautz Jr.
Italian Resources for the Slovenian Genealogist, by Linda Lenassi Tomlin
Slovenian Sources in Brazil, by Lucy Petroucic
Query: T Knaub
Query: S Brening
Query: E Sever
Query: R Testen
Query: A Hunt
Query: G Meisenbach
Query: G McLean

Vol. 14, Issue 1..........January 2000
Editor's remarks
Research Equipment Goes to Slovenia: Archives Microfilm Project Ongoing
Book Reviews:
-Moj Rodovnik - priroenik za raziskovanje rodu (My Family Tree-The Slovenian Handbook for Family Research), by Vasja Butina

Vol. 13, Issue 4..........October 1999
Editor's remarks
Our Scanner/Microfilm Project 
Family Meeting, M Rogers
From SGS Canada, Ontario Chapter
Cleveland Area Research

Vol. 13, Issue 3..........July 1999
Editor's remarks
Archive Scanner and Microfilm Project
Book Reviews:
-Deseti Brat by Josip Jurcic
-Moj Rodovnik - priroenik za raziskovanje rodu (My Family Tree-The Slovenian Handbook for Family Research), by Vasja Butina
-Atlas Slovenija, by Franc Bevc
Food for Thought, by Al Peterlin
An Online Byte, by George J. Plautz Jr.

Vol. 13, Issue 2..........April 1999
Editor's remarks
An Online Byte, by George J. Plautz Jr.
Query: B Adamsky
Reviews of Slovene Publications, by Alan Gornick, Jr.
-Traditional Slovenian Cookery: Culinary Riches of the Regions of Slovenia; Editor: Irena Trenc-Frelih
-Teach Yourself Slovene: A Complete Course for Beginners; Andrea Albretti
-Colloquial Slovene: A Complete Language Course; Andrea Albretti
Publishing your own genealogy book

Vol. 13, Issue 1..........January 1999
Editor's remarks
Query: L Petkovsek
Query: P Celebcigil
Query: K Wokojance
A Dream Come True: Slovenia, June, 1998, by Alan Gornick, Jr.
Book reviews:
-Greetings from Slovenia; Karel Natek & Marjan Krusic
-Slovenia; Steve Fallon
-Slovensko Angleski Slovar (Slovene-English Dictionary); Marija Javorsek; Zalozba Drava
-Berlitz: East European Cassette Pack w/Phrase Book
-Slovenija Magazine
An Online Byte, by George J. Plautz Jr.

Vol. 12, Issue 4..........October 1998
Editor's remarks
Fitniki Records: Another source of information for the Slovenian Genealogist, by Linda Tomlin
Query: E Vogrin-Kamez
Query: J Potochnik
Query: N Henkel
Query: L Gorenc
Query: G McLean
Online Bytes, by George Plautz

Vol. 12, Issue 3..........July 1998

Editor's remarks
Slovenian Genealogy Exhibition
Bukovo, Slovenija, by Mary Lou O'Block Korenich

Vol. 12, Issue 2..........April 1998
Editor's remarks
Predjama Castle, Compiled by Linda Tomlin

Vol. 12, Issue 1..........January 1998
Editor's remarks
Official Registries 1790 T0 1900, by Joze Hudales
Slovene Immigration to Brazil, by Frank van Krevel
Query: M Osbourne
Query: M Rosseau

Vol. 11, Issue 4..........October 1997
Peter Hawlina - Slovenian Genealogical Society visit
SNPJ Heritage Center talk  Enon Valley, PA
SGSI  volunteer assignments
PAF 3.0
Hints for the Archive, by Mary Ann Murphy
Sneznik, by Sylvia Onusic
From the Desk of Linda Tomlin, President, Canada SGS Chapter
An Online Byline, by George J. Plautz Jr.
Vol. 11, Issue 3..........July 1997

Editor's Corner, Odds and Ends
Book Reviews:
-Slovensko-Angleski Slovar by Anton Grad and Henry Leeming
-Veliki Anglesko-Slovenski Slovar  by Anton Grad, Ruzena Skerlj, and Nada Vitorovic
Query: J Whiteman
Query: D Gerchman
Query: C Ryba
Query: J Poklar
Query: J Leskovec
Query: M Addicot
Query: S Kosten
My Search, by Grace Anker

Vol. 11, Issue 2..........April 1997
Slovenian Research List on FEEFHS
Immigrant ship photos
Slovenian vs Austrian town and village names
Parish books
Slovenija Magazine
Historical Dictionary of Slovenia by L. Plut-Pregelj
Veneti: First Builders of European Community, Tracing the History of Early Ancestors of Slovenes, by S. Bor, & Tomazic
Lawrence County, South Dakota Extractions, by Joanne Fix
Red Cross records
1869 Vienna census
Query: D Slapar
Query: L Tomlin
Surnames being researched
A Novice Researching His Slovenian Heritage, by Patrick Sterbank
Records of Life in Medieval Slovenia, by Edward Skender

Vol. 11, Issue 1..........January 1997
KSKJ lodge meeting in Steelton, PA
Immigrant ship photos
Book acquisitions
SGS Canada activities
SGS Wisconsin activities
Plautz family histories
St. Patrick Catholic Church, Adamsville, AL
LDS filming in Slovenia
SGS affiliation with FEEFHS
Emigrant/Immigrant records of interest
Information from Joliet newspapers
Query: M Trimmer
Query: J Starasinich
Query: B Vodovnik
Query: E Stewart
Query: G Anker
Researching the Postojna area, L. Tomlin
Query: A Moore
Slovene Cemeteries

Vol. 10, Issue 4..........October 1996
Slovenefest XV
Catholic church in Alabama
Researching Slovene names
Query: A. Moore
Query: B Smejkal
State chapters

Vol. 10, Issue 3..........July 1996
Slovenefest XV
Home phone database CD
Researching Your Slovenian Ancestors, Dr. Branka Lapajne
Slovenija magazine
LDS Family History Library
Genealogy of the Anton Tisol Family and Allied Lines
SGS: Canada activities
Local chapters
Archives of Slovenia
Query: E. Stewart
Query: J. Leskovec
Query: C. Johnson
Query: J. Hanson
Query: P. Crnkovich
Query: G. Crucil
SGS: Kansas
SGS: California
SGS: Canada

Vol. 10, Issue 2..........April 1996
SNPJ Slovenian Heritage Center
Michiana Roots weekly-genealogy column
Researching Your Slovenian Ancestors, Dr. Branka Lapajne
Book Review: Slovenes of Cleveland..., by Matjaz Klemencic.
Book Review: Slovenia, A Lonely Planet Travel Survival Kit, by Steve Fallon
The Archives of Slovenia
Slovenian Immigrant Newspapers
Early Feudalism in Slovenia, Ed Skender
Query: P. Rasche
Query: S. Polich
Query: J. Strutzel
Query: B. Lapajne
Query: S. Zmrzel
Query: J. Stalic
Query: E. Dodich
Query: R. Krulce
Query: M. Tisol

Vol. 10, Issue 1..........January 1996
New board members
Jubilee books and Slovene publications
Inauguration of SGSI/FEEFHS website
US Catholic sources
Austrian state archives
Slovene archives
Finding a researcher
Query: M. Ciesulski
Query: D. Gerchman
Query: L. Tomlin

Vol. 9, Issue 4..........October 1995
Report on FEEFHS annual convention
Italian Genealogical Records by Trafford R. Cole acquired
Slovenefest XIV
Donated jubilee books and Slovene publications
Query: F.Krevel
Query: B. Adamsky
Query: C. Johanek
History of the Slovene Peoples-V, Ed Skender

Vol. 9, Issue 3..........July 1995

FEEFHS annual convention
Church history & jubilee books
Slovenian Genealogy Society Everyname Master Index
European Folk CD
Slovenian surname researcher, Mr. Frank A. Korosec
History of the Slovene Peoples-IV, Ed Skender

Vol. 9, Issue 2..........April 1995
Telefonski imenik Slovenije CD, 1994/95
Books acquired: A Brief History of Slovenia by Dr. Janko Prunk, Druzina V Dolini Pri Trstu V 19, Stoletju by Marta Verginella
Indexing of church histories
FEEFHS annual convention
The Slovenians: From the Earliest Times by Draga Gelt
Genealogical information in school records
The Great Heraldry Book (1687-1688)
History of the Slovene Peoples-III, Ed Skender

Vol. 9, Issue 1..........January 1995
Footsteps Through Time, Irene Odorii
CD Rom, Telephone Book
Slovenian Bookstore Addresses
The Great Heraldry Book, Johann Valvasor
Query: M. Ciesielski
Query: Z. Wenzel
Query: C. Jensen
Historic Peoples of Slovenia II, Ed Skender

Vol. 8, Issue 4..........October 1994
Weird Stuff Warehouse, Used Computers
Guide to Genealogy Software, J. Lowerey
Slovenes in Rural Appalachia, Nancy Burnett
Pot Slovenskih Izseljencev No Tuje, M. Drnovsek
Historic Peoples of Slovenia I, Ed Skender

Vol 8, Issue 3..........July 1994
Ships of Our Ancestors, M. Anuta
Carbondale Historical Society & Museum
St Joseph Silver Jubilee Translation, Mary Ann Anderson
Bureau of Land Management
Italians to America
Addresses, Catholic Archives: Austria
Addresses, Kriegsarchiv: Austria
Historic Slovene Lands, Ed Skender

Vol 8 Issue 2..........April 1994
Addresses, Slovene Main Civil Archive
Address, Tivoli Enterprises
Strawberry Hill Ethnic Museum
Genealogy, Pavlic family
Genealogy, Terselic family
Slovene Business Directory
Maribor Remembered, P. Laric
Queries: D. Erickson
Slovene Pioneers: Novi Svet

Vol 8 Issue 1..........January 1994
Queries: J.C. Vidmar
M. Kovacic
J. Zakrajsek
Microfilmed Church Resources from Slovenia, J. Fix

Vol 7 Issue 4..........October 1993
Books from Slovenska izeljenska matica
Spominska Zgodovina, A History of Willard, Wi
Photographic Overview of Early Slovenes of Forest City, Pa
Genealogy: Dremel Family
Atlas of the Austro-Hungarian Empire
Query: P.Sink

Vol 7 Issue 3..........July 1993
Black Lamb & Grey Falcon, R. West
91-92 Slovene Telephone Book
Slovene Surnames, J.Keber
Slovenes of Stearns County, Mn, J.Fix

Vol 7 Issue 2..........April 1993
J. Drasler donations
Professional Search Services, Ancestry Inc
Splasher Cloths, Slovenian National Art Guild
Obituary: Ily Bratina
Slovene Pioneers: Novi Svet

Vol 7 Issue 1..........January 1993
Indexing, Mary Lou Davison
Joanne Fix, index, History of Slovenian Community in Waukegan
N. Chicago, 1893-1052
Slovene Heritage Library, New Smyrna Beach
Slovenes of Fly Creek, N.Y., Florence Michaels

Vol 6 Issue 4..........October 1992
Nardoni Adresar
Ameriski Slovenci, Joze Zavertnik
History of St John The Evangelist, Milwaukee, Wi
Ameriski Druzinski Koledar collection
Slovene Pioneers, Novi Svet

Vol 6 Issue 3..........July 1992
Church History, Mother of God, Waukegon, Il
Obituary index, Ruth Bedenk
Slovenes living in Austria
From Slovenia to America, Marie Prisland
Who's Who of Slovenian Descent
Austria-Hungarian military records, LDS

Vol 6 Issue 2..........April 1992
Austria-Hungarian records, LDS
Slovene Travelogue by Dr Sylvia Onusic

Vol 6 Issue 1..........January 1992
Biography of Marcus Krakar
LDS sources

Vol 5 Issue 4..........October 1991
75th Anniversary Booklet of St John the Evangelist, Greenfield, Wi
Social Security Administration
Photograph-1909 Krayn, Pa

Vol 5 Issue 3..........July 1991
Plut Family of Sissueeton, S.D.
History of the Church of the Virgin Mary in the Field
Kriegsarchive, Austria
WWI Alien Registration Form

Vol 5 Issue 2..........April 1991
Guest Writer: Hagemeir Translation continued
Slovene Summer School
NAIF Form 81: Ship Passenger List Search

Vol 5 Issue 1..........January 1991
Guest Writer: Translation by Pat Hagemeir
Center for Research Libraries
Code for Source Documentation

Vol 4 Issue 4..........October 1990

Book Review: The Library of Congress: A Guide to Genealogy and Historical Research

Vol 4 Issue 3..........July 1990
Guest Writer: Carl Chesniki
Highlights: Slovenian Heritage Museum, Joliet, Il
Studia Slovenica, address

Vol 4 Issue 2..........April 1990
Guest Writer: Joseph Drasler: 1934 Ameriki Druzinski Koledar

Vol 4 Issue 1..........January 1990
Guest Writer Louise Vidmar Stareh
Highlights: Listing of Church Histories

Vol 3 Issue 4..........October 1989
Guest Writer: Joanne Plut Fix
Highlights: Sludia Slovenica

Vol 3 Issue 3..........July 1989
Guest Writer: Marilyn O'Korn-Owen
Highlights: KSKJ Jubilee Book, 1894-1924
Dramel-Garvas Tree

Vol 3 Issue 2..........April 1989

Guest Writer: Doris V. Cummins
Highlights: Book Sales, Free Press
Book Review: The Library, A Guide to the LDS Family History Library

Vol 3 Issue 1..........January 1989
Guest Writer: John Dremel Jr
Highlights: Australian Slovenians
Book Sales: Tavoli Enterprises

Vol 2 Issue 4..........October 1988
Guest Writer: Carol Malatesta

Vol 2 Issue 3..........July 1988
Guest Writer: Mary Lou Davison Preserving Newspaper Clippings
Mary H. Turvey, Brazil
Book Review: Slovenija

Vol 2 Issue 2..........April 1988
Guest Writer: Joseph and Connie Balazic
Highlights: Forest City News Obituary Index

Vol 2 Issue 1..........January 1988
Guest Writer: H.T. Petsche, Gottschee
Highlights: Rodna Gruda
Atlas Slovenija

Vol 1 Issue 4..........October 1987
Guest Writer: T.J. Gasper: National Archives

Vol 1 Issue 3..........July 1987
Guest Writer: Marilea Dixon Zarjac: Social Security Records
John C. Sullivan
Highlights: Yugoslav fatalities in Colorado Coal Mines
University of Minnesota Immigration History Research Center

Vol 1 Issue 2..........April 1987
Guest Writer: Joseph Drasler
Highlights: Hamburg Passenger line records
Book Review: Atlas Slovenija

Vol 1 Issue 1..........January 1987
Guest Writer: Harriett Ayres
Highlights: United Slovenian Society
Book Review: The Source
