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St. Joseph's Church, Joliet Illinois

1891-1916 Silver Jubilee Souvenir Book, Part 7

Copyright © 1997 Slovenian Genealogy Society, all rights reseved

Note: This booklet was published early in the 20th century - about 1916 - in America and in the Slovenian language. Volunteers for the Slovenian Genealogy Society International completed this translation (including the ads) in 1997.

There are other Slovenian books with important genealogy information in them awaiting translation. The SGS requests assistance from interested persons that are bi-lingual in Slovenian and English to help further our efforts to share the Slovenian-American heritage with our members and other Slovene record searchers on the world wide web. If you think can help, please write to SGS President Al Peterlin at 52 Old Farm Road, Camp Hill, Pennsylvania 17011-2604.

Chapter 5 - Individuals Who Chose The Religious Life

The first one who chose to become a priest was Anton Stanfel, he was a student in the Seminary of Orchard Lake near Detroit, Mich. He died one year before the graduation, December 1916.

Joseph Stukel, son of the parishioner Joseph Stukel, with the residence on Indiana St. He was born in 1887 in Chicago, but he was soon moved to Joliet where he attended St. Joseph's school. For seven years he studied at St. Francis Solamus College in Quincey, Ill. for three years he was educated in Innsbruck, Austria, he was ordained July 26, 1910, he celebrated his first mass September 4, 1910 in the Slovene church in Joliet. At the time of this writing Mathias Butala is a student at St. Francis Seminary in St. Francis, Wisc.

This very year Marc Papic joined the Jesuit Order, A. Sega joined St. Francis Order in Pulaski, Wisconsin. We were told tht more young men want to join the religious lift. Five young ladies joined St. Francis Order in Joliet, Sister M. Rufina Ivansek, died in 1909, she was very talented and learned fast different languages, Sister Susan Skrinar, Sister M. Secunda Govednik, Sister M. Mathia Lavric, Sister M. Roberta Simonic; the last three are teaching at the parochial school.

Chapter 6 - Masses And Adorations

1. On Sundays Masses are celebrated at 6 a. m., 8 a. m. and at 9 a. m. (for children), at 10 a. m. with chorus singing at the mass; at 1 p. m. there are baptisms, at 2 p. m. religious education, at 2:30 p. m. litanies and blessing.

2. On Weekdays

From the beginning of the school year till May 1 the first mass is celebrated at 6:30 p. m., and at 8 a. m. In summer months masses are at 7 a. m. and 7:30 a. m. In case of a funeral orany celebration the first mass is to be omitted, confessions on Saturdays from 2 to 6 p. m. and from 7 to 9 p.m. On holidays masses are celebrated in the same order as on Sunday.

3. Different Adorations

On first Friday of the month there is a short sermon after the second mass, followed by litanies of Sacred Heart and blessing. On December 8 at 7:30 p. m. young ladies are accepted into Holy Mary's Society. On Christmas Day there is a midnight mass. On Candle mass day there is blessing of the candles after the second mass, next day St. Blase's Day-there is a special Blase's blessing, during the Lent there is a sermon every Wednesday, on Fridays and Sundays after religious instructions there are Stations of the Cross read, on Palm Sunday at ten o'clock mass blessing of the palm branches takes place.

On Holy Thursday there is a mass at 8 a.m., after the mass the Blessed Sacrament is taken to St. Mary's Chapel for adoration, on Good Friday the ceremonies start at 8 a. m. after the ceremonies the Holy Sepulchre is opened, in the evening Rosary is prayed, followed by a sermon. On Easter Saturday the ceremonies start at 7 a. m., first is the blessing of the fire, Easter candle and water, followed by a mass, blessing of the food takes place at 3 p. m., resurrection at 8 p. m. with procession. A 40 hour adoration on the day of parochial patron. In the month of May there is an adoration every morning at 7:30 a. m. first a reading, followed by litanies of Holy Mary. In October Rosary during the second mass, followed by litanies.

A Nice Parish Bishop's Letter

His Eminence Bishop Jacob Trobec mailed a letter from Rice, Minn. on September 8, 1916 to Rev. John Plevnik, pastor at St. Joseph's.

Dear Pastor Plevnik, 

I received your invitation to help celebrate the Silver Jubilee of your parish. I'd like to take part in celebration of the Jubilee of one of the most famous Slovene parishes in America, but I can't. The very same day I received your letter I received from St. Paul a list of 25 parishes where I'll be confirming in fall. On September 23 I'll be blessing deacons in the Seminary of St. Paul, nearly every day there will be a confirmation, so I'll be very busy till the end of October. His Eminence Archbishop Ireland has no help, since Bishop Lawler moved to Lead, So. Dakota, so it's my duty to help where ever possible. I visited Joliet at several occations, and I was always very pleased with the visit. I'd like to come to learn the presbyters of the church, give my regards. God bless your parish, I wish you lots of success in the years to come. I wish lots of success to you, your assistant Father Plaznik, presbyters, Sisters and the entire 

Yours Truly, Jacob Trobec

On page 93 there is a list of parishioners, their names and birth places. I noticed that most parishioners came form the region of Lower Carniola (Dolenjska) and White Carniola (Bela Krajina). There is a list of parishioners of the parish in Rockdale, Ill.

Page 112 on the bottom-We honor the Lord, we parise Holy Mary, the Perpetual Help, we adore St. Joseph, and we offer consolation. 

Page 113 Ads Follow

Anton Nemanich was born October 6, 1864 in the village of Lokvica, White Carniola (Bela Krajina) in Slovenia, he came to America Februay 24, 1884, he spent one year on a farm in Clinton, Ind. from 1885 to 1891 he lived in Chicago, he came to Joliet January 17, 1891 and opened the first Slovene butcher store on No. Bluff St. The same year he started the first Slovene saloon on 915 N. Scott St., then he opened the first Slovene undertaker home in 1895. Nemanich Funeral Home is the largest one in Joliet, it has an ambulance, different cars and carriages, it offers services day and night, Chicago phone 2575 and N.W. 344. 

In 1902 he started a horse stable, at the beginning of 1916 he started the first Slovene Savings & Loan, managed by his talented son Anton Jr. The interest rate is 3% savings are guaranteed. He buys and sells the lots, he insures houses and funiture, he offers loans which enable the purchase of lots, houses and steel stocks. He deals with administration, custodianship, conservation.In 1906 he hounded Joliet Slovene Bottling Co., in 1910 he founded Slovene Liquor Co. He served four terms as president of the KSKJ, for the first time in 1906, in Chicago he founded St. Martin's Society (now St. Stephen's Society) in 1887, in Joliet he founded The Society of St. Geroge's Knights #3 and Lodge of St. Francis Salesius #29 KSKJ. Since 1899 he is the president of Slovene-American PrintingCompany where the publication The American Slovene is printed and helped to obtain a pribtery in 1909. He served three two-year terms as an alderman. 

In October 1907 he was one of the representatives of Joliet in deep waterway commission, and traveled on the river Mississippi with President Teddy Roosevelt. He is a presbyter of St. Joseph's Church, he was marshall at the parade at the blessing of the old church, he assisted at the blessing of the new church at the Silver Jubilee he was Grand Marshall. He got married in Chicago February 13, 1887to Mary Nemec, he got married for the second time to Ann Petru from Chicago on May 4, 1908. He fathered 17 children, 11 are still alive, they are Mary Zavrsnik, Anton, Frances Kraus, Theresa, Joseph, Margaret, Jennie (they are Mary's children), Ann's children are Charles, Ann Edward, Thomas. He is an interpreter at Court House.

The Interior Of Sitar's Store Joseph Sitar, the well known store keeper in Joliet, was born in the village of Toplice in the Lower Carniola (Dolanjska) Slovenia.

He came to America April 1, 1896 and spent one year with his brother in Wahpeton, North Dakota. The second year he worked at a German farm, in 1898-1899 he attended St. John's College in Collegeville, Minn. Then he worked for the company Miksh & Vertin in Breckenridge, Minn., after tht he returned to the college and graduated with top grades March 4, 1902. He came to Joliet March 6, 1902 to visit his brother Karl who worked for the Slovene A. Golobitsch, on March 19, 1902 brothers Charles and Joseph Sitar with the help of their brother Anton opened a store on 208 Jackson St. For three years they stayed together, in 1905 the store expanded under the name Ogulin & Sitar Brothers and moved to larger place on 803-805 North Chicago St. But Charles Sitar died, and the store continued the business under the old name. 

Then Janko Ogulin returned to Slovenia, and Joseph Sitar became the sole owner, in August 1913 he opened the modern butcher shop on 801 N. Chicago St. At the present time Sitar's Grocery and Butcher Shop is the largest one of this kind in Joliet. He is a well known singer, a tenor, singing in church chorus, but he took part in dramatic performances, too. He used to be the member if "Sokol" in Joliet (gymnastic club), he is the first vice-president of the KSKJ. July 12, 1908 he married Frances Predovicg from Pueblo, Colo. and the couple has four children, twins Bernarda and Genevieve, Zora (Dawn) and Karl Joseph, their residence is at 607 N. Hickory St.

Simon Setina The Only Independent Slovene Stone Mason 1011 No. Chicago St., Joliet, Ill.
He was born in the village of Dolnice near St. Vid, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Since his father was stone mason he became familiar with this trade very early. When he was twenty years old, he traveled and worked in different places, such as in "Celovec (Klagenfurt), (Austria(, Maribor, (Slovenia), Gratz (Austria), Vienna, (Austria) and some other places. He liked to travel, and read reports about Slovene successes in America, he went overseas and settled in Cleveland and worked for six years for Norgross Co., later for Vermont Marble Co. He left Cleveland, spent some time in Chicago and Aurora, Ill. He spent some time in Vermont where he admired large quaries of Vermont Marble Co. In Joliet he purchased a home and started his own business, in 1899 he married Marie Leben from St. Vid, near Ljubljana. His business is very successful, he was very knowledgeable and honest. He built a new two story home next to the old house, has a modern workshop and showroom. His prices are moderate, and he is highly recommended.

Dear Slovenes Join the largest and oldest Slovene Catholic Benefit Society, KSKJ Kranjsko Slovenska Katoliska Jednota - Carniolan Slovene Catholic Benefit Society). In 22 years of existence, benefits in amount of $1,186,824.62 were paid (death and sick benefits). Anybody aged 16-50 can join and sign up for insurance in amount of $1,000, $500 or $250 death benefits, you can sign up for sick benefits, injuries, operations. It's unique opportunity to join this fraternal organization.

The First Slovene publication in America is The American Slovene, founded in 1891; subscription $2 Published every Tuesday and Friday

Tell your friends about the publication which has been published for 25 years, defending the religion of our forefathers, the mother's tongue and honest demands of the workers. The printery is a union one. Before you order forms somewhere else, visit the printery, and you'll find out that the printery is fully equipped to print different forms for store keepers, private citizens, organizations. It's especially important for those Slovenes who live in places without a Slovene printery, the prices are low, the workmanship excellent, we translate into English, too. The work is guaranteed. Our Bank Department-we mail the money to Slovenia and other parts of the world. Every order is fully guaranteed, in case the money did not reach the addressee, money will be returned to the sender.

Money can be forwarded wireless to Austria, it reaches the destination in 3 to 5 days. A telegram with less than 6 words can be forwarded at the price of $4.50, in case there are more than 6 words, every additional word or figure is 65 cents. We try very hard to satisfy every customer. Money can be forwarded by draft which can be obtained in every bank or by money order which can be mailed in a registered letter. In the old country money order can be exchanged at the post office, postal savings in Vienna or any bank. The American Slovene, 1006 N. Chicago St. Joliet, Ill.

Slovene Wholesales, Wine And Liquors Our specialty plum brandy, whiskey, bitter wine, Ravbar bitters. Michael Kochevar president, Stephen Olha vice president, Matthey Stefanich secretary, Anton Nemanich treasurer; auditors Geroge Lopartz, Joseph Bahorich, Joseph Jenco; Frank Nemanich bookkeeper, Frank Zavrsnik representative.

The First Slovene Physician in America; Dr. Martin J. Ivec

Dr. Martin J. Ivec, prominent Slovene physician and surgeon, was born October 18, 1878 in the village of Semic, Slovenia, he came to his uncle John Kraker in Minnesta in 1890. He was enrolled to St. John's University, Collegeville, Minn., and graduated in 1897, then he attended University in St. Cloud, Minn. He was teaching for threeyears at different gr4ade schools, he passed the exam in shorthand, typing and bookkeeping at Little Falls Business College; he decided to study medicine.

In 1904 he graduated at Rush Medical College which was affiliated with medical school of Chicago, one of the best. He came as a physician to Joliet in 1904, in 1905 he became physician and surgeon at St. Joseph's Hospital in Chicago where he worked under the guidance of the famous physician and surgeon Dr. Nicholas Senn who was the best surgeon in America in those days. Dr. Ivec was the supreme medical examiner of the KSKJ in 1904-1911, 1914-1917, from 1905-1916 the supreme medical examiner of the KSKJ, he was the medical examiner of the Society of St. Barbara for three years, in 1913 he was nominated the heath commissioner in Rockdale, Ill. for the four year term. His parents were very poor and could not support him with schooling, but he was hard working and diligent and possessed will power. He is a very successful physician with a long praxis , patients would visit him from near and far. He takes care of poor patients without asking for a reward. He can be fully trusted, his office is at the address 900 N. Chicago St., Joliet, Ill. next to the Slovene church, he was church officer for a year.

The Joliet National Bank Corner of Chicago and Clinton St., Joliet, Ill.Savings and checking accounts, savings -3% added every six month. Member of Federal Reserve, all savings are guranted, assets $464,000.00, savings over $3 million. We deal with industrial plants, storekeepers of our town and Will County, we mail money to the old country at the lowest rates.- Joseph Dunda, long time Slovene clerk in cashier department. 

Fellow Slovenes, George Stonich was a store keeper before the Slovene parish was founded. In his store you can purchase clothes, shoes, hats, in short, men's outfit. He is highly recommended. 

Kochevar Corner of Ohio and State St., Joliet He was born in 1861 in the village of Vranovice No.12, parish Podzemelj, County Crnomelj, Bela Krajina (White Carniola), Slovenia. He came to Joliet in 1886, at the beginning he worked in quaries and factories, in 1893 he married, he is a proud father of 4 sons and 5 daughters. He has been saloon keeper for over 15 years, he is a proud Spveme and member of Slovene organizations, he is the Slovene cigarmaker, he is a member of the Liquor Society, Printing Society, Slovenian Bottling Society and director of Citizen's Brewing Society. When you come to him you'll feel being at home.

John Grahek, Saloon Keeper Fresh beer is always available, we sell excellent Californian wine, whiskey, brandy, cigars of best quality are on sale, - I also sell soft coal. Phone 7612, 1012 N. Broadway, Joliet, Ill.

Very famous Slovene Non Alcoholic Beverage We also make and sale sweet beverages to quench the thirst. White beer of best quality-Joliet Slovene Bottling Co. , 913-913 12 N. Scott St. Joliet, Ill.

Joseph Klepec, Joliet, Ill. I wish all those who helped St. Joseph's parish to the prosperity lots of success, and I congratulate the parish on observance of the Silver Jubilee. 

Notice; I'd like to make an announcement to the citizens of Joliet that Sehring's Porter's and Citizen's beer is available, I also sell best home made wine, whiskey and other beverages. You can order by phone, Chicago 4086 Home Delivery at no extra charge.-Jerry Lauric, 405 Lime St., Joliet, Ill.

John Mahkovec, Saloon Keeper

Blase J. Chulik was born February 3, 1866 (St. Blase's Day) in the village of Bubnjarci near Metlika in White Carniola (Bela Krajina), Slovenia, he came to America in 1886, he settled down in Joliet, Ill. on 1889, in 1900 he married Mary Hersamm, born in Lyons, Iowa. From 1900- 1905 he was a member of The Eagle Co., that year he started his own business, the known TheChulik Corner, corner of Jackson and Chicago St. In 1910 he moved to Lyons, Iowa where he started his business, at the same time he started farming. He has three children, Arnold, born in 1901, Barnardine Catherine, born in 1904 and Alloysius Benedict, born in 1914, the first two children were baptized by Rev. Sustersic. He was the officer of our church from 1904-1907, since 1891 he has been a member of Knight of St. George #3 KSKJ, since 1902 he has been a member of Lodge St. Martin #80 ZKU, since 1902 a member of Knights of Columbus.

Math Simonic-Storekeeper

Anton Pesdertz Best meat, sausages, fresh and smoked are available in my butchershop. First of all, I'd like to introduce myself. I was born in the village of Krasinc in the parish of Podzemelj, Slovenia, I came to America in 1893, after the arrival I worked on the farms. In a coal mine, in a hotel, and one year in a tavern in Springfield. When I came to Joliet, I worked for Anton Golobic, and got acquainted with business, after that I joined grocery and butcher shop of Anton Pesdertz and we progressed nicely. Dear Friends, I thank you for all my success, but I have to thank dear Lord who was good to me. I'd like to welcome you in my store at the corner of Broadway and Granite St. Chicago phone 2768, Northwestern 1113. 

Slovenian National Bottling Co. is a Slovene enterprise, making delicious non-alcoholic and sweet beverage. Dear Friends, enjoy our products.-903 N. Scott St., Joliet, Ill. Chicago phone 758

John N. Pasdertz, Grocery and Butchershop corner of Cora and Hutchins St., Joliet, Ill. fresh and smoked meat, Slovenian sausages, groceries are always available. I do like to welcome all Slovenes, especially Slovene housewives to visit my store. Everything is of high quality and clean, prices are moderate.

Barbara Staudohar, 807 North Chicago St. Joliet, Ill. across the street of St. Joseph's Church. I do make different articles out of hair, so keep the hair you comb or cut, out of hair different souvenirs can be made, such as chains, braids, flowers and wreaths. Everything is done promptly.

Frank Bambic, Watchmaker and Goldsmith, 1170 12 N. Hickory St., Joliet, Ill. Watches of all makes and jewelry is sold in my store, I also sell record players. I repair watches and jewelry at the lowest prices. Do not forget the motto: A Friend to the Friend.

Anton Nemanich, Jr.

John Horwath. A tavern keeper on N. Chicago Ave, across the Slovene church. You'll always find nice company in my tavern. Do not forget to stop at Jim's.

Announcement. Whenever you walk on N. Broadway, do not forget and hesitate to stop at my tavern, service is excellent. You can also buy cigars of best quality. See you soon.-Joseph Tezak, Chicago phone 3327, 1151 N. Broadway, Joliet.

John Longflos is a Slovene barber,always willing to help at different parties. 200 Jackson St., Joliet, Ill.

John Jerman is always serving the best drinks, selling also nice cigars1112 N. Chicago St., Joliet, 

Announcement. I'd like to tell all my friends that my tavern is at 1005 N. Chicago St. Drinks of all kinds are available.-Joseph Legan, tavern keeper, 1005 N. Chicago St., Joliet

Frank Rogel 1500 N. Broadway, Joliet. I'm selling lots and houses. In case you want to rent an apartment, call on me. I am also selling excellent home made wine which can be delivered to your home

Dear Friends, Slovenes,I am sending money to your native land at the lowest prices. It can also be sent by telegram. Everything is guaranteed until delivery to the addressee. I am also a notary public, advises, explanations are free. Whenever or wherever you need help, call on me.-Joseph Zalar, notary public, Chicago phone 1048 and 1297 J., N.W. phone 770; 1004 N. Chicago St., Joliet, Ill.

Frank Culik Grocery Store 507 N. Bluff St., Chicago Phone 1451-W. Joliet, Ill.

Anton Bolte, Tavern keeper. Best snacks and cigars are always available. 201 Jackson St., Joliet, Ill.

John Stefanich Slovene Tavern. Wine, American and imported whiskey and brandy, and cigars. 915 N. Scott St., Joliet, Ill.

I can deliver to your home tea, coffee, spcies, baking powder etc., everything is guaranteed. W. C. McCracken Tea Co. 682 Cass St., corner Eastern Ave. is George's employer. His home is at 712 N. Broadway, you can call him at the store, Chicago 1106.

Matthew Stefanich has always been a faithful supporter of St. Joesph's Church, that 's why he has always been lucky, he has been serving best drinks at 113 State St., Joliet, Ill.

Fred Lehring Brewing Co., Joliet, Ill. Established 1868, organized 1882. Louis Lehring, President. Henry Sehring, Vice-President. H. F. Piepenbping, Secretary-Treasusrer

Joliet Citizens Brewing Co. Oscar Weinbrod, President, Wm. Miller, Vice-President, Joseph G. Heomyz, Secretary-Treasurer. Our products: Old Lager, Jolly Dark, Family Malt Tonic, Ful Valu, Cremo (Non-Intoxicating); 208210 Collins St., Joliet, Ill.

Order a box of beer Eagle Export. It's the best drink. E. Porter Brewing Co., Both phones 405

The End
