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Wandering Volhynians Index Section III

By Jerry Frank

  • History, Migration Patterns
    • - The Migration of our German Ancestors to Bessarabia / Busch - 89-3, Sep 89
      - Journey from Volhynia to China to Australia (Seidel / Walter family migration) - 89-4, Dec 89
      - The Middle European Route / Busch - 3-1, Mar 90
      - Return from Siberia / Wilde - 3-4, Dec 90
      - Colonists on the Baltic (Volhynian Germans in Kurland & Livonia) / Kuester - 4-4, Dec 91
      - LDS film numbers for German Auslander by Larry Jansen - 5-1, Mar 95
      - LDS film numbers listing Russian Germans migrating to the Americas via China / Jansen - 5-1, Mar 92
      - alphabetical list of Volhynian Germans who migrated from the Edmonton area to the Pacific Northwest of the U.S. - 5-4, Dec 92
      - Volhynian Baptists migrate to Brazil - 6-4, Dec 93
      - Mennonites from Volhynia to the U.S. - 7-3, Sep 94

  • History, General North America
    • - Moravian Brethren in Alberta, Canada 1895 - 3-4, Dec 90
      - Planting Churches in Alberta: 1890-1920 (German Baptist) - 3-4, Dec 90
      - Rabbit Hill Baptist Church - 3-4, Dec 90
      - earliest non-Mennonite German Volhynians in North America - 4-3, Sep 91
      - Germans From Volhynia & Poland on the Canadian Prairies / Neuman - 5-3, Sep 92
      - alphabetical list of Volhynian Germans who migrated from the Edmonton area to the Pacific Northwest of the U.S. - 5-4, Dec 92
      - Rabbit Hill Baptist Centennial, Alberta - 6-1, Mar 93
      - Canadians Own Land in the U.S. - 6-1, Mar 93
      - St. John's Lutheran Centennial, Heimthal, Alberta - 6-3, Sep 93
      - Volhynians in Village Hill, Connecticut - 7-1, Mar 94

  • Maps
    • - Schulgemeinde Juljanow-Boratyn - 88-1, Feb 88
      - Die Gemeinden der Evangelisch - Augsburgischen Kirche in Polen am 1.9.1939 - 88-1, Feb 88
      - source of east European maps - 3-1, Mar 90
      - Karten Der Deutschen Sprachinseln in Polnisch-Wolhynien / Luck - 3-1, Mar 90
      - Karte der deutschen Seidlungen in ukrainisch Wolhnien / Stumpp - 3-3, Sep 90
      - bibliography of maps available from AHSGR (5 citations) - 3-3, Sep 90
      - Alt-Emilin, Volhynia - 3-4, Dec 90
      - Index to Volhynian maps in Vol. 3-1 & 3-3 - 4-1, Mar 91
      - Regions of Poland 1815-1914 - 4-1, Mar 91
      - Herkunftsorte von Karlswalde (villages of origin in Poland for settlers in Karlswalde, Volhynia - 4-2, Jun 91
      - German Farm Settlements in the Baltic Provinces (Kurland & Livonia) - 4-4, Dec 91
      - Die deutschen Kolonien des Cholmer und Lubliner Landes / Lueck - 5-1, Mar 92
      - Kreis Rowno, Gouvernement Wolhynien / Kuehn - 5-2, Jun 92
      - Central Europe in 1850 - 6-3, Sep 93
      - Historical Boundaries of Volhynia - 6-3, Sep 93
      - New University of Alberta acquisition, 8000 military maps of Soviet Union pre WW II - 8-1, Mar 95
      - Dermanka residents with village map / Schober - 8-3, Sep 95
      - Settlement areas of Russian Germans in South America / Less -8-3, Sep 95

  • Miscellaneous
    • - News report, Mundt family history book - 3-1, Mar 90
      - Writing Your Family History - 3-2, Jun 90
      - Formation of East European Branch of the Manitoba Genealogical Society - 4-1, Mar 91
      - Russian Consular Records / Rakow - 4-1, Mar 91
      - Koblenz Records / Frey - 4-1, Mar 91
      - A Trip Through Poland in 1814 / Johnston - 4-1, Mar 91
      - Recipient of AHSGR scholarship in German languages at University of Alberta - 4-2, Jun 91
      - Just Starting - general genealogy / Frey - 4-3, Sep 91
      - Lecturing, Taping, and Lecture Materials - 4-4, Dec 91
      - Miscellanea / Frey (Archive name changes in Germany) - 5-1, Mar 92
      - Miscellanea / Frey (U.S. census info) - 5-1, Mar 92
      - Russian-American Genealogical Archival Service (RAGAS) - 5-3, Sep 92
      - A. Molzahn appointed Director of School of Nursing at University of Alberta - 6-1, Mar 93
      - Volhynian - Schwabian cartoons / Lange - 6-2, Jun 93
      - Research Teaching Plan, University of Winnipeg (German Canadian studies) - 7-4, Dec 94
      - Russian Prisoner Records / Red Cross - 7-4, Dec 94
      - New University of Alberta acquisition, 8000 military maps of Soviet Union pre WW Il - 8-1, Mar 95
      - United Germany Phone books on CD - 8-1, Mar 95
      - U.S. passport records at the LDS libraries - 8-1, Mar 95
      - Canadian Border Crossings at the LDS libraries - 8-1, Mar 95
      - Mennonite Genealogical Report (New Genealogical Resources) / Theissen - 8-1, Mar 95
      - "What's In A Name", poem by Cynthia Bergstresser - 8-2, Jun 95
      - Copy of 1752 Firefighting Agreement (reference to Holandry articles) - 8-3, Sep 95
      - Guse - Guhse Family / Wuschke - 8-4, Dec 95
      - Early Western Canadian Records (Trinity Lutheran, Winnipeg)/ Lenz - 8-4, Dec 9

  • Name Lists, Special
    • - residents of Schulgemeinde Juljanow-Boratyn - 88-1, Feb 88
      - 1918 membership list, St. Johns Lutheran Church, Rosenfeld, MB - 88-3, Dec 88
      - 1892 residents of Evanthal, Volhynia - 88-3, Dec 88
      - alphabetical list of Germanic surnames from ...And They Built an Altar - The History and Heritage of the Brokenhead Lutheran Community - 89-1, Mar 89
      - Moravian Volhynian immigrants settling at Bruderheim, Alberta c.1892 - 89-1, Mar 89
      - Moravian migration Edmonton, AB to Puyallup, WA - 89-2, Jul 89
      - Residents of South Edmonton, AB - 89-2, Jul 89
      - Michalki Parish, Poland 1780-1790 - 89-3, Sep 89
      - Wladyslawow Parish, Poland 1776-1790 - 89-3, Sep 89
      - Galician German Protestants in Volhynia - 3-1, Mar 90
      - Charter members, Rabbit Hill Baptist, Alberta - 3-4, Dec 90
      - LDS film numbers listing German Auslander by Larry Jansen - 5-1, Mar 92
      - LDS film numbers listing Russian Germans migrating to Americas via China / Jansen - 5-1, Mar 92
      - Ahnentafel of Erika Joanna Jerke nee Tripke - 5-1, Mar 92
      - village Kantors in Lublin & Cholm districts, Poland, 1878-1912 - 5-1, Mar 92
      - Ahnentafel of Karl Lenz - 5-3, Sep 92
      - Residents of Warwarowka and surrounding villages, Nowograd Wolynsk, Volhynia (from between the 2 world wars; 132 surnames) - 5-3, Sep 92
      - Baptisms in Warwarowka and surrounding villages, Nowograd Wolhynsk, Volhynia (from between the 2 world wars; 246 names) - 5-3, Sep 92
      - alphabetical list of Volhynian Germans who migrated from the Edmonton area to the Pacific Northwest of the U.S. - 5-4, Dec 92
      - Ahnentafel of Rudolf Gruening - 6-1, Mar 93
      - Volhynian Baptists in Brazil - 6-1, Mar 93
      - Charter members, 1893 at St. John's Lutheran, Heimthal, Alberta - 6-3, Sep 93
      - Family list of Elenow, Zabara, & Makow, Wladimir parish, Volhynia 1926 - 6-3, Sep 93
      - Ahnentafel of Hertha Werner, nee Dusdal - 6-3, Sep 93
      - Volhynian Baptists who migrated to Brazil - 6-4, Dec 93
      - Ahnentafel of Hugo Horn - 6-4, Dec 93
      - Early Volhynians in Village Hill, Connecticut - 7-1, Mar 94
      - Ahnentafel of Arnold Jahns - 7-3, Sep 94
      - Ahnentafel of Kurt Weiss - 7-3, Sep 94
      - Volhynian Baptists in Brazil - 7-4, Dec 94
      - Ahnentafel of Irmgaard Hein Ellingson - 8-1, Mar 95
      - Declarations of Intent - Marathon County, Wisconsin / Point - 8-1, Mar 95
      - Volhynia Gubernia News, 1915 Listing of deportations (general description only) / Miller - 8-2, Jun 95
      - Volhynia Auction Lists (includes surnames and places) / Krushel - 8-4, Dec 95
      - Zhitomir deaths, 1836 (extraction from St. Petersburg microfilms) / Wuschke - 8-4, Dec 95
      - News from Brazil - Obituaries 9-1, Mar 96
      - News from Brazil with Obituaries - 9-3, Sep 96
