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Galizien German Descendants Issues 25-36

Past Issues of the Galizien German Descendants Newsletter

GGD Newsletter #25 - January 2001
Das Kolonisationswerk Josef II in Galizien - First half of Chapter 14
Critical Opinions of the Colonization, Ludwig Schneider's work, film 1256477, translated by Daniella Martin and Leona and Fred Rosenmeier. pages 1-3
Finding Former German Localities Now in Poland by Raymond S. Wright III, Ph.D., A.G. pages 3-7 formerly published in FEEFHS Quarterly Vol. VI, #1-4 1998
Restrictions Placed on Obtaining German Records page 8
Trip to the Ukraine (friends of member Evelyn Vielvoye) pages 8-17
WW I Civilian Draft Registrations Free Database pages 17-18
Tid Bits & Fun - You're Taking Genealogy Too Seriously, If ... page 18
Success Stories and Contributions from Members: Van Massirer page 19
Internet and E-mail Info page 20-21
Custom of the Christmas Tree page 21
Upcoming Conventions : page 21-22
FEEFHS Convention 2001 - Milwaukee, Wisconsin and FEEFHS Convention 2002 - Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
Upcoming Trip to the Ukraine, leaving from Germany for Konigsau, Krakow, etc. page 22
New Books and New free on-line e-group for GGD page 22
Sharing Our Heritage - Surnames, Villages and Members
Codes/Corrections & Additions pages 23-25
Member Name, Home & E-mail Addresses/Corrections & Additions
Map indicating present day Polish provinces page 25
Ivan Speidel's trip photos of Brigidau, Gassendorf, Dobrohostow. (photos appear on last page)

Table of Contents GGD #26 - April 2001

Das Kolonisationswerk Josef II. in Galizien - Second half of Chapter 14 - "Critical Opinions of the Colonization", translated by Dr. Edward Brandt. See LDS Family History Library film 1256477.
Pfalzers in the District of Radom - From the Chronicle of Mikolajow, County Opatow Chronicle written by Emil Marks, translated by Alfred Konrad & Carol Leonard. [Map & Photo]
1100 Year - Kriegsfeld - Chronik einer Nordpfalzgemeinde 900-2000
(Chronicle of the North Pfalz Municipality 900 - 2000) - A selective translation and editing into English of the anniversary book.
Summary of translation of Mennonites in Kleinpolen - by Albert
Frederick Rupp (1901-1995) - sent in by member Glen Linscheid - Original Settlements, Falkenstein 1784-1830 [map]
Endless Graves - A ten-year search for my grandfather ends in Halbe, Germany - By Roland Fogt [photos of Waldfriedhof]
Galicia Administrative Districts by Shelley Kellerman Pollero (with permission from The Galitzianer published by Gesher Galicia organization, Vol. 7 #4, and Vol 8, #1, February 2001. See online:
How to use JewishGen Shtetl Seeker (what it is and how to find villages that includes their coordinates)
Genealogists Look to DNA to Trace Lineage - Scientist seeks blood donors from around the world for genetic database - Hannah Wolfson (from Contra Costs Times (Walnut Creek, CA) newspaper, March 18, 2001 page A8)
Tid Bits & Fun - Life in the 1500's; Genealogy Sayings; The Recording of a Cemetery.
Obtaining Documents from Ukraine
Books of Interest
Internet and E-mail Information
News from Other Genealogical Societies
Sharing Our Heritage - Surnames, Villages and Members Codes/Corrections & Additions
Members Name, Home & E-mail Addresses/Corrections & Additions
Post 1901 Canadian Census Project - Protect Canadian Census Records From Destruction (Saskatchewan Genealogy Society)

Table of Contents GGD #27 - July 2001

Das Kolonisationswerk Josef II. in Galizien - Chapter 15 - "Numerical Tabulation". See LDS Family History Library film 1256477. Translated by Leona and Fred Rosenmeier.
Two Hundred Years Ago from Trippstadt to Falkenstein in Galicia, previously published in "Heimatjahrbuch des Landkreises Kaiserslautern and also in Blätter zur Heimatgeschichte von Trippstadt" Submitted from non-member Heidrun Diepes-Mischner of Ebergingen, Germany, author of the article. Translated by Fred and Leona Rosenmeier.
A Nostalgic Trip - Elaine Broughton (Visit to Neudorf by Drohobycz, Falkenstein, Dornfeld, villages in Bukovina were Radautz, Itzkany, Illischestie, Hliboka and Satulmare). Includes Ortsplot of Neudorf & Bolechowice ca 1939 and Descendency Chart Valentin Schütz -1784 ansiedler (settlers) from Neudorf.
North American Resources to Trace Your Bukovina Ancestors by Laura M. Hanowski of the Saskatchewan Genealogical Society (With permission, previously published in FEEFHS Quarterly VI, #1-4.) While this article states Bukovina Ancestors, it also applies
to Galicia. Galizien German Descendants - die noch kleinere Schwester des Hilfskomitees der Galiziendeutschen in den USA (GGD - the little sister of the Hilfskomitees...) Alfred Konrad (published 2001 Zeitweiser)
Bremen Passenger Lists 1920-1939 - How to Access
Email & Internet Info and Other Research Helps
Tid Bits & Fun - Submissions sent in by Kathy Enders and Tuila Jaroschewski.
Books of Interest and to how to order your own copy of the Heimatbuchs
Sharing Our Heritage - Surnames, Villages and Members Codes / Corrections & Additions)
Members Name, Home & E-mail Addresses / Corrections & Additions)
Photo of Ludwig Hauser's home in Mikolajow and ortsplot of village, shared by Alfred Konrad
Otsplot of Steinau shared with us by member Roland Fogt

TOC Newsletter #28, October 2001

Das Kolonisationswerk Josef II. in Galizien - Chapters 16 and 17 See LDS Family History Library film 1256477. Translated by Leona and Fred Rosenmeier.
Ellis Island Records, Steve Stroud
Dornfeld, Article from Zeitweiser 2001 entitled "Meine Zweite Reise nach Dornfeld in das Land meiner Kindheit" (My two visits to Dornfeld, the land of my Childhood) by Hilde Biermann born Harlfinger. Article translated by new member Julia Russler.
The Third Tour to Königsau (Rivne, Ukraine): Rediscovering A World That No Longer Exists. By Angela Fabian and Bogdan D?ugog�rski.
Appendix of Machliniec Cemetery Listings, Photos from Trip Ortsplot of Dornfeld (1914), Table of Inhabitants of Dornfeld, including names of spouse and children, Birthdates, death dates Orsfamilienbücher, Complete listing of Family Books available on CD's from Manfred Daum (to date approximately 100 villages available).
Internet and E-mail Information
News from Members & Their Success Stories
Sharing Our Heritage - Surnames, Villages and Members Codes / Corrections and Additions
Members Name, Home & E-mail Addresses / Corrections & Additions

Newsletter #29, January 2002

The Jews of Galicia under Austrian-Polish Rule, 1867-1918: Part I, by Professor Piotr Wróbel (previously published in the Galitzianer, May 2001, a publication of Gesher Galicia.)
Visit to Ostrowy Tuszowski, Southeastern Poland, By Tony Paddock
Austrian Military Recruitment in Galicia, previously published in The Galitzianer, August 2001
An Oversimplified History of Galicia - Steve Stroud
Emigration / Immigration, Sources of Records by Betty Wray Resources to Help in Your Search of Galizien Ancestors - Betty Wray
Josefsburg in Canada - written by H. Jaki and translated by Erich Slawski
Tid Bits & Fun - How to Calculate Past Year's Birthdates
Books Available for Sale
Stories from Members
News from Other Genealogical Societies - FEEFHS Convention, Regina, SK, Canada, Summer 2002 Entitled "Discovering Our Links to Europe"
Sharing Our Heritage - Surnames, Villages and Members Codes / Corrections and Additions
Members Name, Home & E-mail Addresses / Corrections and Additions

Newsletter #30, April 2002

The Jews of Galicia under Austrian-Polish Rule, 1867-1918: Part 2, by Professor Piotr Wr�bel (previously published in the Galitzianer, August 2001, pages 14-20, a publication of Gesher Galicia.)
Reichsheim - One of the First German Colonist Villages in Galicia - A Village Chronicle of the First Settlement Years 1782 - 1784 written by Alfred Konrad and Ruth Porcher, nee Walter and translated by Otto Duy
Village plot map and photographs from Alfred Konrad
Photographs from village Dorfplan (map) of village Padew 1939 and Dorfplan (map) of village Reichsheim 1939
Extractions from Holyoke, Massachuesetts parish records of ancestors settling there from Reichsheim - Steve Stroud
Neudorf (1783-1940) ein Hort echter Toleranz in religiöser und völksicher Hinsicht" (A True Haven of Religious and Ethnic Tolerance) by Johann Hennig from Zeitweiser 1982, translated by Julia Russler.
Books of Interest: Federation of East European Family History Societies - Ortsippen books See page 30, 31 for more listings Messages from Members
FEEHFS Convention, Regina, Saskatchewn, Canada - 19-21 July 2002 Discovering Our Links to Europe Program and Events
Sharing Our Heritage - Surnames, Villages and Members Codes / Corrections and Additions
Members Name, Home & E-mail Addresses / Corrections & Additions

Newsletter #31, July 2002

The Jews of Galicia under Austrian-Polish Rule, 1867-1918: Part 3 by Professor Piotr Wröbel (previously published in the Galitzianer, August 2001, pages 14-20, a publication of Gesher Galicia.) - pages 1-4
My Home Town Neu-Kalusch - by Karl Stromich. (Evangelical church for Neu Kalusch was in Ugartsthal); translated by Leona Rosenmeier - pages 5-8
Undated map of village of Neu Kalusch by Philip Schmalenberg / Map of Neu Kalusch 1939 by Karl Strömich - pages 14-15
Map showing location of Kalusch within Ukrainian settlements (In English, not in Cryllic writing) - page 15A
About the Origin of the Settlers of the Galizien Kreis Kalusz by Wilhelm Metzler - pages 8-13
Photo of woman's summer and winter dress, woman spinning photo - page 13
What One Ate and Drank in Sapieschanka - by Gustav Köhle. Translated by Fred Rosenmeier - pages 16-18
Gleanings of Life in Galicia - Clothing/costumes, food grown, typical daily / weekly menus of food eaten gathered from the many members that shared with us their knowledge of past life in Galicia - pages 18-23
The Life of Gustav Bachman family in the Former Galicia Part 1 - shared with us by Glenn Linscheid - pages 23-27
Canadian 1901 Census Available Online - page 28
CD's available on 79 villages now made available from Manfred Daum (Ernst Hexel's research) - page 28
Books of Interest - GGD now has almost a complete set of Zeitweisers from 1954 -2002 - page 28
Success Stories & Messages from Members - page 29
Trip Scheduled to Koenigsau, May 2003 - page 30
How to pay for genealogy research in Europe using International Currency Express - page 30
News from Other Genealogical Societies:
International Roots Conference July 14-18 Dearborn, Michigan - page 31
Tid-Bits & Fun (Poems, etc.) - page 31
Sharing Our Heritage - Surnames, Villages and Members Codes/Corrections & Additions - page 31
Members Name, Home & E-mail Addresses / Corrections & Additions - pages 32-33
Das Heilige Band (Des Hilfskomittees der Galiziendeutschen) publication of Birthday Wishes - pages 33-34

Newsletter #32, October 2002

Maria Theresa and Josef - Tolerance Schafft Wende und Zukunft from 200 Year Jubilee from Zeitweiser 1-8 1981 - pages 32-45. Tolerance Patents from 1781 original article written by Leopold Gans. Translated by Daniela Martin and Leona Rosenmeier - pages 1-8.
The Life of Gustav Bachman family in the Former Galicia Part 2 shared with us by Glenn Linscheid. (Part 1 was published in July 2002 issue - More History of the Bachman Family) - page 8-16
Resettlement of Germans to Siberia - When World War II began in Europe, Germany began resettling the Germans that lived in Eastern Europe back into German territory. However, the Germans living in Russia, had a different situation. This article was the only article about German Russians that's ever appeared on the front page of the New York Times. It is reprinted in its entirety here - pages 16-17
Romanian Domestic Arts and Crafts - (previously published in the Bukovina Society of the America's Newsletter). By: Eilleen Lupastin, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada - pages 17-18
Christkindchen - (story of Galizien Christmas customs) translated by Julia Russler and Alfred Konrad - from the Zeitweiser - pages 18-20
Internet and Email Info - pages 20-21
Success Stories & Messages from Members - pages 21-23
Lviv Club of Galizien Germans - Anatoly Frys
Sharing Our Heritage - Surnames, Villages and Members Codes / Corrections & Additions - pages 23-24
Members Name, Home & E-mail Addresses /Corrections & Additions - page 24

Newsletter #33, January 2003

Josefsbergs Wells by Helene Haferkom, from book published by Hilfskomitee entitled Galizien Erzählt translated by Leona Rosenmeier - page 1
The Big Fire in Josefsberg by Leopold Hoehn - translated by Leona Rosenmeier - pages 1-2
Visiting in Stryj and in Josefsberg by Rudolf Mohr. From Zeitweiser 1993. Translated by M. Schellenberger - pages 2-4
Tracing the Josefsberg Dialect by Julius Krämer - from Zeitweiser 1963 - translated by Rita Lemon - pages 4-7
Das Kolonisationswerk Josefs II. in Galizien - List of Heads of Josefsberg Households 1788-1820 - Schneider - pages 7-10
Josefsberg Village Plot map from Zeitweiser 1970 [about 1939], page 81 - GGD page 11
Letter from Members - Glen Linscheid's relatives trip to Josefsberg, etc. (photo of Josefsberg church) - page 12
A Hike to Josefsberg - Zeitweiser, by Philipp Bollenbach - translated by Daniella Martin - pages 12-15
Mei Leeweverlaaf (My Life Story) by Elfriede Dressler - from a recording of a Galicia German dialect Zeitweiser 1976 pages 121-123. Translated by Rita Lemon - pages 15-16
Information received from Dr. John J. Schmidt, MD, from Galiziens living in L'viv, Ukraine - pages 16-17
Tid-Bits and Fun - A Christmas Story (anonymous); Maps online; Books for Sale, Trip to Königsau; Recipes - pages 17-20
Sharing Our Heritage - Surnames, Villages and Members Codes / Corrections & Additions - pages 20-21
Members Name, Home & E-mail Addresses/Corrections & Additions -page 21
Josefsberg's Descendants Charts sent in by members and submitter s:
1. Kreb Family includes Bisanz, Manz, Schweizer, Kulak, Becker, Wagner, etc. - sent by Jeff Krebs - pages 22-28
2. Kerr Family includes Schmidt, Tempel, Schlamp, Thomas, Lutz, Nessel, Wolf - sent by Dorothy Kerr - pages 29-40
3. Mohr Family includes Schäfer, Degen, Höhn, Werle, Gafka, Decker, Schmidt, etc. - sent by Beverly Pease - pages 41-43
4. Jakob Wesa & Barbara Daum family includes Wolf; Walter; Baisch, etc. - sent in by John Wesa - pages 44-47
5. Philippine Paff family includes Schilling, Rippel, Schlamp, Weber, Schmidt, Mayner, Mayer, Kesselring, Gulak, Planz, and Mohner/Mehner/Minor, etc. Sent in by Tressie Cronin - pages 48-52
6. Trapp family includes Johann Christian Trapp, from Ensheim, Oppenheim, Germany - Family includes Heucherts, Walters; Reicherts & Mauers - sent in by Henry Trapp -pages 53-58
7. Beaumont de Baumong from Reichenbach. Later family immigrated & spread to Josefsberg, Kolomea, Baginsberg, Landestreu. Family includes Schmalenbergers etc. - sent by Gerd Baumunk - pages 59-109


Newsletter #34, April 2003

My Home Neu Kalusz -Meine Heimat Neu-Kalusch - Zeitweiser 1989, pages 55-66 by von Karl Strömich
translated by Steve Stroud (with chart on War casualties 1940-45)
Native Recollections - Heimatliche Erinnerungen - Zeitweiser 1991, pages 42-47 by Karl Strömich
Translated by Richard and Siegelinde Graumann
Christmas – at Home in Neu-Kalusch - Weihnachten - zu Hause in Neu Kalusz" by Karl Störmich -
Zeitweiser 1991 pages 51-53. Translated by Milt Schellenberger.
Community Fall Festival in Neu Kalusch - Kerb in Neu-Kalusch by Karl Strömich from Zeitweiser 1991.
Translated by Milt Schellenberger
Conflagration in Neu-Kalusch - Grossfeuer in Neu-Kalusz by Karl Strömich. .Zeitweiser 1991 -
Translated by Milt Schellenberger.
Information for the Descendants of Germans from Neu Kalusch - Information für die Nachfolger
der Deutschen aus Neu-Kalusch….. by von Karl Strömich. Zeitweiser 1991. Translated by M.
Members' submissions of the descendants from the original Kalusz inhabitants (Pages 41, 42, 43 excluded due to lack of permission to print at time of printing)
L. Schneider's Das Kolonisationswerks page 166-167 Heads of Households for Alt & Neu Kalusz
More on Josefsberg: This was found in a local newspaper in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada and sent in by
Helen Atkinson. This is in addition to the information on Josefsberg published with our previous
issue #33 in January 2003. Kulak heritage suffering from woes of aging. - written by Jeff
Holubitsky, Journal Staff Writer, Fort Saskatchewan.
Josefsberg Descendents (continuation from GGD #33, Jan. 2003) Judy Frey Kidd's family submission
received too late for the Jan. issue.)
Maids, Farmhands, and Domestic Servants in 18th Century Germany - The needs of the wealthy were met
by these German servants some 200 years ago - from German Life by Robert A. Selig
Utilizing Ellis Island Records, the 1900-1930 census records on '' and the Social Security Death
Index to find more family - by Betty Wray
Focus on … Church Record Index & Parish and Vital Records List - by Rae W. Chamberlain -
article originally published in the Saskatchewan Genealogical Society Bulletin, Vol. 33 #4, Dec 2002
Tid-Bits and Fun
Letters from Members: Barbara Orlowski reports on her success with the families: Pihs, Piess, Piss, Pis
with possible changes in surname to to Bisch-Birsch-Bies-Bihs-Biss--Biess-Peace-Pease. Plus more.
News from Other Genealogical Societies: Upcoming convention - Salt Lake City 18-20 July 2003
Internet and E-mail information - best websites for genealogy research
Quellen der Deutsches Siedlungsgeschichte in Sudoesturopa - Sources for the History of German Settlement
In Southeast Europe by Dr. Franz Wilhelm and Dr. Josef Kallbrunner - Translated by Milt Schellenberger
(the German works of Quellen… as well as Schneider's Kolonisationswerks… can be found on film1256477.
Sharing Our Heritage - Surnames, Villages and Members Codes/Corrections & Additions
Members Name, Home & E-mail Addresses/Corrections & Additions 

Newsletter #35, July 2003

2002 trip to Galizia to Mielec District -(with photographs from trip) Gerald Konrad
Visit to Harxheim, Germany, and My Ancestor's Homelands. A Beautiful Beginning - Gary Bergthold
Broczkov - from Zeitweiser - translated by Angela Fabien
160 Years PADEW - The history of a German Settlement and its School. - Translation by Renate
Mattheus and Floyd Konrad - Zeitweiser 2003, pages 100-105. Sent in by member Alfred Konrad.
Consecration of the Padew Church in 1904 - Zeitweiser 2003 - Translated by Otto Duy
Boundary Description of 1788 for the placeReichsheim in Galicia - translated by Alfred Konrad
Galizien Germans as Cultural Pioneers in the Bukowina by Johann Christian Dreßler (Zeitweiser 1956,
pages 82-91) translated by Rita Manz Lemon.
Census Substitutes and How to Access Them - Beverley Gutenberg (Certified Saskatchewan Record Searcher)
Previously published in SGS Bulletin #24, #1, March 2003.
Trip to Konigsau from Germany - Reports from some of the members attending: Rosenmeier, Fabian,
E-Mail and Internet Information - 50 Million Historical Documents Hit Web and other information
Molecular Genealogical Project
Neu Kalusz/Neu Kalusch - Additions to GGD #34, Apr 03 - R. Delwo: Kram, Sebastian, Stromich/Stromick
Members Name, Home & E-mail Addresses/Corrections & Additions
Sharing Our Heritage - Surnames, Villages and Members Codes/Corrections & Additions 


Newsletter #36, October 2003

Felizienthal -(and sister colonies, Annaberg & Karlsdorf) - translated by Julia Russler p.1
Trip to Galicia; Language Island of Felizienthal; Family Sheets - Siegfried Gruedl pp.2-8
A Brief History of Felizienthal (Dolnyvka) from internet site pp.8-21
Journey to Felizienthal, Ukraine May 2003 - Jim Lang
Lang Family History/ Deutsche Boehman / Great Eastern Migration / The Langs of
Felizienthal / The Jewish Connection / Emigration from Felizienthal / Lang & Reiss Family /
Max's Violins / Map of Galicia showing Felizienthal, Annaberg, Karlsdorf
site feliz Video and photographs also available online.
Story of Wenzel Roessler from Felizienthal - Julia Russler pp.21-25
Descendency Charts: Dennis & Mary McMahon & Siegfried Gruedl (Gridl/Gruedl), pp.25-29
Alice McNeil (Rothbauer & Gridl), Theresa Elliott (Hofmeister, Lang, Rothbauer) 
18th Century Pennsylvania German Naming Customs & Patterns - (with permission)
Charles F. Kerchner, Jr. pp.30-32
Our Jewish Neighbors in Galicia (Unsere judischen Nachbarn in Galizien) - by Poldi Rindt. pp.32-34
Translated By Bill Breitenbach and Inge Blob. 
German Settlements in the Sambor District (Kranzberg and Kaisersdorf) - pp.34-35
taken from the publication Zeitweiser des Bundes der christlichen Deutschen fuer
das Jahr 1915 found in the Das Heilige Band publication - Translated by Heinz Bulmahn 
Christmas at Home in Muenchenthal - from Die Heilige Band, Dec. 2002. Translated
by Leona Rosenmeier pp.35-36
Christmas Tree Traditions - as found on the Internet. pp.36-37
New Web Site Replacing (Resettlement films, etc.) - Steve Stroud pp.37-38
Using the 1906 Census of the Northwest Provinces Online by Garth Ulrich
SGS Bulletin #34 -#2, June 03 pp.38-39
Attention GGD Members - With Jewish Ancestry / How to Access Austrian Military pp.39-40
Records: Determining The Recruiting Regiment - Karen Hobbs /
Attention: Koenigsau Researchers
News from Other Genealogical Societies pp.40-41
Tid Bits & Fun: Austrian Coins in Existence in Galicia; 50 Most Common Names in Germany p.42
Sharing Our Heritage - Surnames, Villages & Members Codes/Corrections & Additions pp.43-44
Members Name, Home & E-mail Addresses/Corrections & Additions 
Map; Felizienthal House #'s; Lists of fallen WW2; 1939 Names of Inhabitants; Photos; Cemetery Lists pp.45-56 
