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Baerbel K. Johnson - Professional Genealogist

Baerbel K. Johnson, AG ® ,  is a professional genealogist and works at the Family History Library as International Research Consultant. She holds degrees…

Careen Barrett-Valentine - Professional Genealogist

Careen Barrett-Valentine, AG, has a Bachelor’s Degree in Family History from Brigham Young University, and has been conducting professional research…

Cynthia S. Jacobson - Family History Researcher

Daniel R. Jones - Professional Genealogist

Daniel R. Jones, AG,  is an accredited genealogist specializing in Germanic and Slavic research. Awarded a BA in Family History/Genealogy from…

Dave Obee - Researcher, Lecturer

Dave Obee holds an honorary doctor of laws degree awarded by the University of Victoria, British Columbia, in recognition of his work as a journalist, historian and…

David Ouimette - FamilySearch Content Manager

David Ouimette, CG, CGL,  manages Content Strategy at FamilySearch, prioritizing the acquisition and online publication of records…

Diahan Southard - Genetic Genealogy Specialist

A microbiology graduate, Diahan Southard worked before and after graduation for the Sorenson Molecular Genealogy Foundation. Growing up with the budding genetic…

Fritz Juengling - European Research Specialist

Fritz Juengling, Ph.D., AGearned a BA in Secondary Education and a BA in International Studies German Emphasis, graduating with …

Greg Nelson - Researcher, Lecturer

Greg Nelson is the Content Strategy specialist for East Europe/Europe at FamilySearch. His moonshot goal is to reconstitute all the families in his ancestral…

Heidi G. Sugden - Professional Genealogist

Heidi G. Sugden, AG, a native of Vienna Austria, graduated from the University of Utah with a M.A. in German Language and Literature. …

James Tanner - Genealogy researcher

James L. Tanner B.A; Spanish, M.A.; Linguistics, University of Utah,  J.D. Degree; Law, ASU. 2 years, Intelligence Analyst, U.S. Army. 39…

Jilline Maynes - German Research Specialist

Joanne Sher - Researcher, Lecturer

Joanne M. Sher is a professional genealogist & historical researcher specializing in Northeastern Minnesota, Northwestern Wisconsin, American-Jewish research,…

Joe Everett - FEEFHS Media contact, Researcher, Lecturer

Joseph B. Everett, MLS, AG is the Family History, Local History, and Microforms Librarian at the Brigham Young University Harold B. Lee Library. He is…

Kahlile Bliss Mehr - Board Member

Kahlile Bliss Mehr has both an M.A., and an M.L.S., he is the retired Slavic Collection Manager and Cataloging Supervisor at FamilySearch (LDS Church) in Salt Lake…

Kellie Scherbel Hale - Eastern European Researcher

Kellie is a professional genealogist specializing in the former Kingdom of Hungary. She earned a minor in genealogy from Brigham Young University, emphasizing in…

Lisa A. Alzo - Eastern European Researcher

Lisa  A. Alzo, MFAis a freelance writer, instructor, and internationally recognized lecturer, specializing in Slovak/Eastern…

Milan Pohontsch - FEEFHS President, Lecturer, Researcher

Milan Pohontsch is a native German and Wend at the same time. He does genealogical research in both languages and has about 25,000 hours of research experience in…

Mindy Jacox - Genealogy Researcher

Mindy Jacox, BA, is from Kaysville, Utah. She recently graduated from BYU with a degree in Family History/Genealogy with emphases in Germanic research and computer…

Thom Edlund - Senior Foundation Researcher

Thomas K. Edlund is a specialist in East European languages and manuscripts. As a professor of family and local history at Brigham Young University…