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Class Descriptions, Joanne M. Sher

Following are the class descriptions for classes taught by Joanne M. Sher.


Introduction to Jewish Genealogy 

Jewish genealogical research builds on the general concepts of genealogical research however many specialized resources and techniques need to be known and used. Learn how to trace your Jewish family history as well as utilize available print, filmed, and online resources.


Holocaust Research: Finding Family Members Who Died by Bullets

Of the six million Jews who perished in the Holocaust millions died in their villages or in nearby forests, not in concentration or labor camps. Learn about resources to find out what happened to them and how they are remembered.


United States & Canada Russian Consulate Records

The Russian Consulates in the United States, 1862-1922, and Canada, 1898-1922, served subjects of the Russian Empire. After the consulates closed the governments of the United States and Canada preserved those records before returning them to the Soviet Union. Files contain records, reports, correspondence and photographs which are invaluable to researchers.