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Class Descriptions, Carolyn Schott

Following are the class descriptions for classes taught by Carolyn Schott.


Discovering Your Black Sea German Ancestors

Looking for your Black Sea German ancestors? Trying to understand the complicated history of Germans in this region (now Ukraine, Moldova, Romania, Georgia)? We’ll talk about how German settlers came to this area and how historical events impact the types of research records available for different parts of the Black Sea region.


Voyages of the Donauschwaben

The Donauschwaben were not all Schwäbisch (from Swabia in southwestern Germany), but most of them did travel the Donau (Danube) on their way to found colonies in Hungary, Romania, Serbia, and Croatia in the 17th and 18th centuries. Find out little-known facts about this group of immigrants as we dive into their history and identify key resources for researching your family history.