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Class Descriptions, Banai Feldstein

Following are the class descriptions for classes taught by Banai Feldstein.


From JewishGen to Family Search: Finding Images of Indexed Records (Banai Lynn Feldstein)

While it's great to have access to indexed records, it's important to obtain copies of the original records. Indexes are guides to help us find the records. Even if the records are fully indexed -- though they're usually not -- checking the original can reveal missing information or incorrect indexing. But it's not always simple to find the original images even when they're available online. Banai will show examples of different indexing techniques used by various JewishGen and SIG databases over the years to find copies of the original records.

Morse Code: Favorite Tools on Steve Morse’s Website (Banai Lynn Feldstein)

Steve Morse has provided a plethora of tools on his web site to help genealogists to access the data on other web sites, including the Ellis Island searches, New York City vital records indexes, and the US Federal Census ED finder. Banai will discuss these and other tools, which ones she uses the most and why.